Kobe ch2

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I went out of his room and went to sit down
T: hey Sabrina u can sit where u like
J: u can sit next to me
S: k
Then Kobe comes down. He looks at me then he sits down.he had invited one of his friends over named Derek. But I didn't care. He sat with derek while I sat with Jordan.

J: so how do u like the house Sabrina
S: it's pretty nice I love the playroom u guys have
J: yeah wait till u see the tik tok room. We have so many different back grounds in there
S: ooo

As we were talking I could hear Kobe and Derek laughing. After we ate I went up to my room to shower. And I hear my room door open. It was Jordan.
S:Hey Jordan wadddup
J: nun just came to talk to u
S: ok so what do u wanna talk about
J:umm so Derek you know him right
S: yes I do
J: k so I have a crush on him and he's staying the night here
S: he is
J: yes he is
S: what about mike
J: we broke up
S:  oh dang, well my advice is to try to shoot your shot girl
J: ok Sabrina thx
S: no problem sis
J: sis? U called me sis
S: yeah I did
J: wow
She hugged me so tight and was about to cry because I called her sis. She was so happy
S: haha ok sis
She leaves the room so happy. Then I was going down stairs when I saw Kobe.

K: Sabrina
S: yes
K: come to my room pls
S: why
K: pls real quick
S: fine
I walked in his room and didn't see Derek
S: what and where is Derek
K: oh he's in the room with Jordan
S: mm
K: so u still wanna get to know me
S: yes
K: ok so let's play q&a
S: fine
K: alright umm how old are u?
K: your turn
S: how many bodies do u have?
K: like 2
S: ok
K: are u a virgin?
S: no
K: k
S: are u happy that our parents are getting together?
K: nope not really
S: why
K: because I  kinda got a nvm
S: what tell me
K: never mind
S: no tell me
K: ok fine the reason I'm not happy is because I like u
S: wow Kobe
K: yeah it's fine if u don't like me neither I'm just dumb 
S: no I think your very cute it's just we're siblings now
S: Kobe we can't
K: ok fine
S: byeee
I left his room thinking about what he said. Kobe liking me had me shocked because I liked him to but we are siblings now. Anyways imma go to sleep

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