Kobe ch.8

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I wake up in the morning and smell breakfast. I get up and did what I had to do. Then I walk downstairs and see Jordan cooking with Kobe.
S: aww sibling goals
J: lmao
S: what y'all cooking
K: bacon, eggs, and sausage
S: sounds good but dont burn the house down
J: hey Sabrina I need your opinion on this dress I bout
S: ok sure
J: thanks it's upstairs come on
I follow her upstairs and go into her room. When I get in there she slams the door.
S: where's the dress
J: Chile I don't have a dress😂
S: then why I'm up here
J: because last night I heard you and Kobe
S: doing what
J: don't play don't Chile u know what y'all was doing
S: ok fine but I told him that was the only time I was gonna do it with him soo
J: mmhmm
After we talked about it we walked back to the kitchen and Kobe said the food was done. We got our plates and ate the food then Jordan went back upstairs so that leaves me and Kobe cleaning up.
K: soooo
S: don't even say a word
K: how was last night huh
S: Kobe shut up
K: what I'm just asking
S: u know what last night was gre-
I got interrupted by vallyk calling me

S: hello
V: hey Sabrina
S: hey vally
V: wyd later
S: umm nothing since I have nun planned
V: ok imma come over
V: love u
S: love u to
          Call ended
I looked over at Kobe and he rolled his eyes at me.
S: what's wrong with u
K: nun
S: bro what's wrong with u
K: I said nun other than the fact that Tina cheated on me with vallyk
K: I said to much
I went up to Kobe and grabbed him by his shirt
S: Kobe why the hell didn't U tell me this before
K: umm because I wanted u to find out but I couldn't help but tell u
S: bro vallyks a bitch bro, but then at the same time I can't get mad cause I literally just had sex with my step brother
K: yeah
S: I was about to start crying when I heard the door bell ring
K: want me to get it
S: no I got this
I answer the door and it's vallyk
V: hey baby gir-
S: no shut the fuck up u over here cheating on a bitch already when we haven't even started dating
V: Sabrina I'm srry I was going to tell u
S: vallyk shut the fuck up and get the hell out my face bitch
Then I slammed the door in his face.
K: u ok sis
I broke down crying in Kobe's arms. He picked me up and took me to my bedroom.
K: it's gonna be ok sis you'll find better
S: yeah ig so
Then he lifts my chin up and looks me dead in the eyes and kisses me with tongue. Then I pulled away
S: Kobe I told u that we were only doing that one time
K: but I want more I'm addicted girl
S: boy bye
I try to get up but he yanks my hair and I land on the bed. Then he gets on top of me and starts tongue kissing me again. And then Jordan walks in.
J: hey Sis I need your adv-
We hurry up and get off each other
J: well I see y'all busy
Then she left And Kobe got off of me
K: well she ruined the moment
S: Kobe I told u I can't keep having sex with u
K: but we not blood
S: like I said no
K: like I said we not blood
S: Chile I'm finna go take a shower
K: in the middle of the day?
S: yes I got boy cooties all over me
K: Chile go ahead
I go in the bathroom and undress then I get in the shower. I rinse my face with warm water and then I feel some one behind me in the shower.
S: Kobe what are u doing in here
K: I couldn't help it
S: get out bro
I tried to push him out but he grabbed me by my neck and started kissing me slowly. Then  starts rubbing my kitty with his dick. He then bent me over and stuck it inside. He started stroking so fast I couldn't last. I came on him and then he came on my back. Then we washed off and got out.
S: bruh how did I manage to get fucked by my step brother again
K: u just couldn't resist it. I bet vallyk couldn't do that at all
S: shoo who knows he probably could do better
K: girl don't do that cause u didn't even last 2min with me
S: ok say what u believe
K: mmhhmm
He got dressed and walked out the room. Then it started to get dark so I just went down stairs to play my ps5. Then Kobe and Jordan came downstairs.
K: bro u never told me u had a ps5
S: well now u know I have one
K: can I play
S: no
J: can I play 
S: sure
K: how she get to play
S: cause she's the best sibling I ever had
K: I literally just fucked u and Ik it was good cause u couldn't last
J: bruh y'all fucked again
K: I said that out loud
J: I thought u said that yesterday was the only time u did that
S: it was and he came into the bathroom trying to get some and I couldn't resist
J: what about vallyk and Tina
S: vallyk cheated on me with Tina
J: oh dang
S: yeah
J: well imma go upstairs and go to sleep piece
She goes upstairs and leave me and Kobe alone
K: can I play your ps5 now
S: fine Kobe go ahead
I try to walk to the couch put he pulled me on his lap
S: Kobe I thought u were playing the ps5
K: I am but I need u here on my lap
S: but I don't wanna sit here on your lap
K: why u give me good luck
S: no Kobe
I get up and walk upstairs and go to sleep


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