Kobe ch.40

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Jano walks to the door and opens it. Then comes in my dad and Teresa. I had forgotten to tell them that I was pregnant.

Dad and Teresa: hey guys
Everyone: heyyy
S: hey dad
K: hey mom
J: hey mom
T: hey guys I missed you guys so much
Dad: so what's been going on around here

Everybody was silent.

Dad: well hellooooo say something
S: nothing much just been in the house
K: Sabrina we should go and get ready for bed
S: sure ok guys we will be back

While I'm walking upstairs Kobe pulls me in the room.

K: Sabrina you have to tell your dad that your pregnant
S: Ik Ik but i just can't he has anger problems
K: Sabrina just tell him

We called my dads name so he could come up here with us. Once we got up here we seen Teresa with him.

Dad: yes
S: um i have to tell u something
Dad: what is it
T: she's pregnant
S: how did you know
T: Kobe told me
K: sorry
Dad: well all o can say is congratulations
S: thanks dad
Dad: Kobe is the baby yours
An: no it's mine but me and Kobe are on good terms

Andre said coming out of no where

T: so you and Kobe are not together
S: we just got back together
T: this is an interesting relationship
S: yeah
Dad: Andre will you take good care of this baby
An: yes I will I promise
K: I will also help
Dad: well ig your good
T: oh we gotta go it's getting late
Dad: love you guys stay safe
T: I love you guys
K: we love you to

They leave

S: I'm so glad that's over
K: me to
An: same I thought your dad was gonna beat my ass
S: i did to the way he looked
K: lol
S: y'all can get out my room now
K: whyyyyy
An: yeah whyyyy
S: cause I need to shower
K: ok fine

They leave and I go take and shower then go to sleep.

3months later
S: omg I'm so ready for this gender reveal tomorrow
Sh: Ik we gotta go to the mall to get clothes
A: I'll come with
I: me to
J: same here
S: well I guess it's an girls day

We all leave and go to the mall once we got there we all went into stores to get clothes.

When we got done we went back to the house to put our stuff up. Then we went to go hang out in the pool until it was time to go to bed. We took showers and went to sleep.

The next day
I woke up ready for the gender reveal party
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I was doing that andre came in.

An: heyy girl
S: wassup Dre
An: you ready to find out what the gender is
S: sure isssss hbu
An: I'm ready but nervous
S: me to but I wanna see what this baby is
An: wanna make an bet
S: yep
An: you owe me a $100 if its an girl
S: and you owe me a $100 if it's an boy
An: deal
An: anyways imma go finish getting ready
S: aight wait Dre what time did dejaune say come
An: he said 3:30
S: aight

He leaves And I continue to get ready.

Dejaune's POV

Me and vallyk are getting the tables,decorations, and other stuff ready before people start coming.
How it looked

 How it looked

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