Kobe ch6

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I wake up and go brush my teeth and stuff then I put on clothes
Choose your shirt

I wake up and go brush my teeth and stuff then I put on clothesChoose your shirt

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Choose your pants

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Choose your pants

Choose your pants

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Choose your shoes

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Choose your shoes

That's your outfit what ever you put together

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That's your outfit what ever you put together

Then I head down stairs for sum to drink and see Jordan watching tv.
S: hey Jordan where's Kobe
K: right here
S: oh wassup
K: nun bout to go out with my girlfriend
J: ok bye Kobe nobody cares
S: you funny girl
J: I'm being serious
K: whatever
J: Sabrina when are u going out with VALLYK
I bursted out laughing because she said vallyk loud so Kobe could here, which he did because he rolled his eyes.
S: umm whenever he calls me to come outside
K: your leaving with him
S: yep
K: you can't
S: why
K: because mom and dad said we couldn't go anywhere
J: did they really
S: even if they did then why u leaving
J: right
K: because I can
S: well then I'm leaving to
After I said that I got a text from vallyk to come outside.
S: oop gotta go
Kobe grabs me and drags me back to my room
S: Kobe stop bro
K: no I said you ain't going nowhere so u better tell vallyk to leave
And then he slams the door. I text vallyk to come in the house since Kobe had left and Jordan was in her room. I go downstairs to the door and open it.
S: hey vallyk
V: hey Sabrina, why didn't u come outside so we can go hang out
S: I was on my way out there when Kobe literally dragged me back to my room and told me I couldn't go.
V: why is he always mad when u go with me
S: he's overprotective
V: mmm well u tryna go to your room
S: yeah but no freaky junk
V: dang it
S: Chile anyways soo
We get snacks from the kitchen then go up to my room. We were watching tv and playing games for a bit and then we made a YouTube video. We did an q&a for his YouTube. And for my YouTube we did the smoothie challenge. While we were cleaning up the stuff, Kobe walked in.
K: what the hell sabrina, why is he in here
S: because u wouldn't let me go to him.
K:fuck u
S: I love u to
V: lmao
S: I'm getting tired
V: want me to stay the night
S: sure
V: aight let me go home and get some clothes
S: k
He leaves then Kobe comes back down
K: Sabrina really
S: what why u get so mad when he comes
K: fine imma be honest,because I want u to myself and I get jealous when he's around
S: don't u have a girlfriend bro
K: I don't really like her but I like u
S: Kobe again I'm your step sister and your my step brother
K: Ik but I want u
He picks me up and puts me on the counter. He looks me in my eyes and he leans in to kiss me but someone was at the door.
S: that must be vallyk. Excuse me
K: ugh
V: hey I got my stuff
S: k let's go to my room
K: don't do nun up there
S: shut up Kobe
We went upstairs and layed down together.

KOBE THE STEP BROTHER Where stories live. Discover now