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Lea's P.O.V :

After 4 months i finally got along with Maya she's my best-friend again and everything is back to normal...
Not really.
Logan is acting really weird lately..somethings up and its not just something..i think he might have a crush on some girl at our school.
Maybe its Beth she's the captain of the cheerleader's team.Or is it Megan..She's a slut but ..she's totally hot!.
I'll find out somehow...
I'm going to find out today i have to go to his place.
Lets make some magic!.
I stepped out of my house and went to Logan's House he's just couple of blocks away his house is near mine.
I reached Logan's home and knocked twice.
I kept pacing until the door opened James was at the door smiling while his eyes was locked in mine i quickly broke the silence before i start blushing like a tomato.
I cleared my throat "Um..hiii" i said as i smiled back.
" Hey..Long Time no see where have you been?" James said smoothly.
" Well..u know school and stuff.." Stuff! I couldn't say anything else then this word ... Oh god.
" yeah...come in"
Come in? I didn't expect him to be at his house.. I was supposed to tease Logan about his little crush until he spills the beans...but..that didn't happen.
I entered inside as i found Logan sitting on the floor shirtless with his headset and his controller in his hand shouting at the screen loudly enough for the neighbors to hear him.
"Wow..its a little awkward in here" I said as i laughed.
" Well..u know Logan when he plays ...so yeah um ..sit " James said awkwardly.
" No thanks i just wanted to talk to him a bit ..about a project.. Yea" i said.
Lie 1 .
" well.. Wanna hang out and leave this Weirdo instead?" James said as he half smiled.
" Don't you knock!! " Logan said as he motioned towards us.
" she knocked..but u were busy screaming " James said as he chuckled.
" Okay..now get out of here u two , i need some beer " Logan said as he pushed us out of his house and slammed the door shut.
" does he do this more often? Sheesh what a gentleman!"I said.
" yupp! Sometimes.. Darling.." James said as he chuckled and walked beside me.
I really feel tired .. I was studying at 9:00 AM in the morning.. I just want..sleep...
" So.. U wanna go to a café? Or somethin?" James asked.
Well i'd love that but.. I need a nap .. A long ..long..nap..
" uh-naa thanks i'd appreciate that but i feel exhausted.. I can barely walk..soo.. Toddles see ya later!" I said as i stepped further away from him but he was fast enough to catch my wrist and turn me around so i can face him.. Oh boy don't tell me he's gonna ask me why i'm acting like this.. Its because i don't have feelings for him no more i just love him as a best-friend .. Yes! I get jealous sometimes and my face turns red when he talks to me... Oh boy naaa i'm still in love with him .. But a part of me tells me to back off and the other part wants him so badly.
" Don't run away darling we've already taken our first step" James hissed.
What?! Taken our first step!..Ugh!
" U don't tell me what to do James , i do what i want to ,and u have no right to control me ur not my boy-friend your just my friend okay! James u don't tell me we've taken our step just because we kissed once or twice it doesn't mean that i'm your's " i breathed out.
He stood silent hurt in his eyes.. His smile disappeared like that.. And he stepped closer.
" Why not? I told you we'd figure it out together.. But instead you gave up on us .. " James said as he started walking away.
" James.. I didn't give up on anything thats because we are nothing we are just friends James .. Just friends.. " i whispered .
He looked at me like i just stabbed him right in his heart .. I felt guilty but i have to stop this i don't want to get my heart-broken not from anyone.. Because nothing is forever.
He didn't reply all he did was walk away until he disappeared.
-5:00 PM Saturday-
I was laying on Maya's bed while listening to Taylor swift's songs which made me feel terrible .. While Maya's talking about a boy that was flirting with her earlier at the donut shop .. But i barely heard it.. My mind was distracted .. I wanted to apologize but i just.. I just needed some space thats all and when i feel like i'm ready to do whatever this is i'll call him and i'll apologize.
" Wait.. Are u even listening to me princess?" Maya said as she sat on the bed next to me as she held a pillow in her hand.
" sorry i was just distracted an-"
" by James aw.. I knew it u two are the cutest couples Eva! How was your first date? Did he bring u flowers ? Or chocolate ? What did u wear? Did he call next morning telling u if u can do it again? Or-" Maya said in her high pitched voice.
"Maya..Maya stop it "
Wow.. She's really annoying when she's being all fan girl on me!.
" sorry... Am just so happy for my bestie " she said as she pulled me into a bear hug.
I didn't wanna tell her yet because she will start saying that i was an idiot and i will be forever alone ... Sitting on the sofa & surrounded by kittens & bags of chips while screaming at the T.V Liar!.
I know.. Horrible. Eeek.
" i-cant-breath" i breathed out.
She jumped away from me as she picked her phone and started texting.
I grabbed a magazine to push those thoughts outta my head not caring about Maya's giggles.
I kept staring at some articles until i fell asleep.
Hope u enjoyed this chapter i'm sorry its short but i have school tomorrow and its 11:30 PM here .
Goodbye<3 :-) .
-Carter :)) <3 ~

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