[19]. 34 Candles

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"Happy birthday dear Remus, happy birthday to you!" I sing to him with a cake with candles in my hands.

"Come on then! Blow them out!" I say excitedly. He grins at me before blowing them out. I set the cake down on the small table in his room and accio some plates and a knife to grab us a piece of the delicious chocolate cake covered in frosting that I made for him very early this morning.

I hand him the plate with a piece of cake and sit besides him on the couch.

"What did I deserve this for?" He asks while smiling. "Because you're amazing, and you only turn 34 once!" I say smiling.

"Well, I appreciate it" he says and presses a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I haven't even given you your gifts yet!" I say and hand him the three packages I had for him.
He looked at me with a small smile before opening them.

One of them contained a few chocolate bar's. Which he seemed to be very happy about. Remus and chocolate is a power combination.

The other gift was two books. I know how much he enjoys reading, like me, and I took it upon myself to inspect his bookcase. I bought two books that I saw he didn't have yet and he looked very happy with it.

The third, and last gift, was a bigger one. I was the most excited about this one. It had taken me hours of strolling around diagon alley to find it, and I was hoping with my whole heart that he liked it.

He slowly unpacked the package, revealing the wizards chess game with golden pawns. His eyes went wide.

"Wow, Lori, this is too much" he says, carefully touching the board. "Do you like it?" I ask.

"Do I like it? Merlin I love it! This is amazing lori, thank you" he says, putting the board to the side and pulling me into his arms.

"I'm glad you like it" I say looking up at him. He smiles at me and presses his lips to mine.

"As much as I would love to stay like this all day, we sadly have classes today" he says, pressing a kiss on the crown of my head.

"We can go out for a picnic later if you'd like" I say and he quickly agrees. "I would like that."

We stay like that a few more minutes before finally getting up and making our way towards the classroom.

Since it was Thursday, we only had a couple of hours of teaching. We had finished by 2pm.

Some students had somehow found out about Remus' birthday and took the opportunity to congratulate him and tell him he was their favorite teacher.

One student, Luna Lovegood, even gave him a handmade bracelet. The big smile that appeared on his face when she handed him the present was absolutely amazing.

I know how he struggles with himself, thinking that he's not good enough. Seeing him like this made me so happy. That he now sees how much he means to people, how much he means to me, meant the world.

When we were done for the day, I quickly went to my room to grab a picnic blanket and change into a cute sundress with my favorite knit cardigan over it. before making my way to the kitchen and asking the house elves if they could prepare me a picnic basket. They did so and I told them thank you because we need to appreciate house elves more.

The picnic basket was filled with sandwiches, cookies, strawberries covered in chocolate and orange juice.

I then made my way to Remus, who was waiting in his office. He looked up when I walked in and smiled.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask and he quickly gets up. He walks towards me and grabbed the picnic basket from me, before taking my hand in his.

We start walking out of the castle and towards the black lake.

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