[23]. Return From Hogwarts

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a/n: thank you for 25k reads and 1k votes! It means the world to me how far this book has come already :) Also I'm incredibly sad, all the Harry Potter movies have been deleted from Amazon prime video 😭 I have to rent them now to watch them and I'm broke af.


Remus and I were preparing the house for when everyone would come home in a few hours. My parents had already left to pick them up.

I was excited to see them again. Percy was now graduated and the others all managed to pass their year, moving onto the next after summer vacation.

After last years adventures I was definitely ready to spent some normal time with my siblings.

Remus was nervous, though. He was afraid my brothers and sister would not be able to see him as my boyfriend instead of their professor. I assured him it wouldn't be a problem and that if they said anything I would punch them. This made him feel better, however he did say there was no need for punching.

Since both Bill and Charlie weren't coming home for the summer there was some more space in the house. Nobody had to share a room, except for Fred and George who always shared one no matter what.

Mum and I had entirely cleaned every room in the house over the past few days, even if we knew that it would be within minutes of my siblings return that it would be a mess again.

I had been preparing dinner all afternoon, wanting there to be enough for the entire family. Remus tried to help as much as possible but he wasn't the best cook.

"You really look like your mother right now" Remus says, staring at me from the kitchen table. I smile at him. He is right. I'm wearing one of mum's floral aprons, my hair is in a braid that I quickly made to get it out of the way.

"I'm hoping that's a compliment" I say, teasing him. "You always look good, so of course it is" he says. I narrow my eyes at him. "What are you trying?" I ask jokingly, stopping with what i was doing and walking over to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. In response I rested my arms around his neck. "Nothing, just stating the obvious" he says and presses a kiss to the side of my head.

"Alright alright" I say with smile. He then kisses me softly, making my mind go all foggy and all I can think of is his lips on mine. No matter how many times he has kissed me already, I keep going crazy every time his lips touch mine.

"Blimey, Lori! Are your lips attached to his or something" I suddenly hear Ron's voice say. I pull away from Remus and look up to see my family standing in the doorway. I rush over to them and quickly pull them all into a hug.

"I've missed you so much!! I've made food, here let's eat!" I say, pushing them towards the table. I go to get all the food I made and put everything on the table.

Everyone immediately starts attacking the food. I take my seat between Remus and Ginny and start eating as well.

"How did your OWL's and NEWT's go?" Mum asks, digging into her food.

Even if the last month alone at home had been amazing, I was happy to have almost all my siblings back. They meant the world to me even if sometimes we could kill each other.

After dinner we all sat huddled in the sitting room. It was a bit cramped as usual but after a bit of rearranging we all managed to sit down comfortably.

I sat pressed against Remus while George sat pressed against my other side. I was drinking a cup of tea.

My parents sat huddled together on one of our couches. It made me happy how, after so many years, they still loved each other so much. I hoped with my whole heart that Remus and I would have the same.

That night, Remus and I laid in bed together. It was a few hours past midnight and we had only just fallen asleep when the door of my room slowly cracked open.

I opened my eyes quickly at the sound and noticed Ginny standing in the doorway. I furrowed my eyebrows as she stepped closer to my bed.

"What's wrong, Gin?" I asked. I was only now able to see her face in the dark, her eyes were red from crying and her cheeks stained with tears.

I opened my arms and she quickly crawled into my bed. She buried her head into my neck and sobbed softly. I laid down with her in between me and the wall.

"Shhh, it's okay. You're okay, I'm here" I whispered, running my hand up and down her back in a calming way.

Within a few minutes, she had stopped sobbing and calmed down a bit. "Was it a nightmare again?" I asked and she nodded. "I-I'm sorry to bother you" she mumbled.

"Ginny you know you can always come to me, you're my sister" I assure her. "Are you alright to go back to sleep?" She nods in response.

I hold her in my embrace until I can hear her soft and steady breaths, letting me know she has fallen asleep. It's then that I finally allow myself to fall asleep as well.


I was roughly awaken by someone launching themselves on my bed. Or rather two someones.

I groan and open my eyes to see Fred and George sprawled out on my bed. Ginny looks to be wide awake already on my left side and I can hear Remus groaning from my right.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing?" I ask while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"We want to play Quidditch" George says, basically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Merlin, it's way too early to be awoken like that" I say and let myself fall back down on my back. I can feel Remus, whose still half asleep, wrap his arms around my waist and pull me against him.

Before anyone is able to say anything, Ron bursts into the room and flops down on my bed as well.

"I'm up for a game of Quidditch!" He says enthusiastically. I groan.

"I have a fantastic idea!" I say. "How about you all go downstairs and help mum make breakfast? We'll be down in a few and then after breakfast we'll play Quidditch. Good idea?" I suggest.

They all scatter downstairs and I let out a sigh of relief. Remus chuckles from beside me. I bury my face into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Remus, I can assure you that things like that don't happen often" I say. He rubs his hand up and down my back. "It's fine, I like your family" he assures me making me smile.

"We should get ready" I say. I press a soft kiss on his lips before crawling over him and out of bed. I walk to my closet and pull out a pair of loose cotton shorts, that reach a few inches above my knee, and a tank top.

Remus gets out of bed as well and turns around for me to have some privacy while getting dressed. I pull off my oversized sleeping shirt, quickly putting on a bra.

"What happened to Ginny? I heard her come in last night" Remus asks and I can hear him shuffling to change into his own clothes as well.

"I'm sure you heard what happened in Harry and Ron's second year right? The whole chamber of secrets?" I ask and he hums, signaling that he had indeed heard about it. "Well Ginny was brainwashed by Tom Riddle basically and she blamed herself for all the accidents that happened. After everything that happened she started having a lot of nightmares. They've lessened over time but they still occur sometimes, especially when she's alone."

"I'm sorry to hear that, I could change beds with her if you want" Remus offered. Now that I'm fully dressed I turn around to find Remus fully dressed as well with his back to me.

"Don't be silly Remus. She has to sleep in her own room our she'll never get over it. I already offered my bed to her after the incidents but mum forbade her from sleeping in my bed every night" I explain.

"Now come on, before they get impatient" I say before pressing a kiss on his cheek and dragging him downstairs.


a/n: a short filler chapter!

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