Something New

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Day 1: Sleep Naked

How can I sweat more while wearing less? Not for me. (And not off to a great start.)

Day 2: Meditate

I truly had never tried this, and I don't think I did it right. I got an app and did what it said, but I could not make my mind shut up, like I'm supposed to empty my mind, right? It didn't say that exactly, but that's what I thought. Is that not right??

Day 3: Baking Bread


Day 4: I don't know, I made a sound I've never made before, that will have to count for today.

I called Mom, and she said I should keep going, but like, start smaller. Maybe trying to bake bread when I can barely cook an egg wasn't the best idea. This has been stressing me out so much! I thought it would open up my horizons or something, that it would be exciting and fun. It's not.

Day 5: Say Hi To My Neighbor

I didn't even mean for that to be the thing today. I did it without thinking when I was going out to get groceries. And then I was like, why have I never said hi to her before? I realized I was actually scared to say it, that I am scared to say even just hi to new people, even people like her that I see almost every day. Anyway, I somehow forgot about being scared! Maybe the meditation really is helping??

Day 6: Ask A Stranger To Go For A Walk

Well, I barely recognize myself! I said hi to Julie again (that's her name), and we actually talked for a few minutes. She lives alone too, and before I knew what I was doing I suggested we take a walk together sometime. She said she'd love to!

Day... 352?

As of course is a pattern for me, I completely stopped keeping this journal after six days. It's really funny to find it again after this year. I figured I'd better update it. Julie is moving in at the end of the month. We decided my side of the building was better even though the apartments are otherwise identical. We still laugh about that first time we said hi to each other, how we were both super nervous about it for some reason. I had actually forgotten I had been doing the "one new thing every day" challenge, and that's kinda what led to it. I'm gonna have to show her this. She's gonna love it! I've kept up with the meditation (off and on), and I got Julie to start too. Baking bread... will never be attempted again, haha. Sleeping naked, also still not for me. Though it is Julie's preferred way to sleep. Now don't be cheeky, diary, what do you mean how do I know??


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