Chapter 1- The dream

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Percy POV

I woke up with Annabeth standing over me. "Percy" she said in a small voice. "You're awake." I sat up. "Why are you here and what happened?" I asked. "I came to check on you after yesterdays fight. You got hurt pretty badly" Will Solace said. He is an Apollo kid and Nico's boyfriend. He was in my cabin with me and Annabeth at 4 in the morning. "You were shaking and talking about a nose less guy. I went to get Annabeth. And then you woke up." He finnished. And thats when I also remembered my dream. I was standing in front of a castle. A guy stod in front of it. He looked like me but smaller. He had a stick in his right hand. The boy had crazy black hair and green eyes. On his forehead was a lightning bolt scar. "We did it Harry." A voice said. "I know" he responded. I now knew his name was Harry and he was british. He started to walk away. I thought that I was going to wake up. But then, an other figure was there. He looked dead and wet. His skin was really white. He had really red eyes. There were the shape of a snake. "Did he buy my bluff?" He asked. His voice sounded weak. "Yes my lord" Then the floor disapeard and I was falling. I woke up. "Annabeth" I said "Go get dressed and meet me by the lake." "Its 4 in the morning Percy!" She said. "I Know. I just need to talk to you." "EHHHH" Will said. "I am going to go back to bed" and he left. "Fine. I will be there." Annabeth said. She left and I got ready. Few minute later, I was walking towards the lake. I was wearing my usual. Camp t-shirt and jeans. Annabeth was already there. Her hair was in a ponytale. She was wearing the same thing as me, camp's t-shirt and jeans. "So" she asked "What did you want to talk about?" "My dream" I told her. And I repeated my dream. "Weird" She said. "I know!" I responded. "Like who on earth would have no nose? How can you breath!?!?" "Thats not what i meant seaweed brain." she said. "Like, who is Harry? Who is the nose less guy? Why is called my lord?" "Annabeth" I said "I know you are worried. Its probably nothing." "I know Percy, but I can't help it. What if it is something.?" "We will see when we get there." I said to try and calm her down. "I belive you" she said. We kissed. For the next 2 hours, we stayed at the lake. After, we ate breakfast and went to training. Summer was almost over. Sad right. Anyway, it was dinner and Chiron called Annabeth, Piper, Will, Nico and me to his office. We arrived to his office to see Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo and Calypso. WAIT!!!! LEO AND CALYPSO!!!! "Leo? Calypso?" I asked. "Sup everyone! Leo is back with his super hot girlfriend Calypso!!" We all started to say hi when Chiron inturupted. "Yes,yes. Introduction later. Now we have a little problem." I saw Annabeth turn around. So, I turned around too. There was this lady their. "Hello, who are you?" "I am Hecate" she said "Goddess of magic. Now children, I need your help."



Hi!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first ever fanfiction. Have a great day or night!


Magic and Demigods. A Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now