Caffeine and Opium

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His eyes felt like sand was rolling inside them, he probably consumed more cola than his cousin could with his favorite extra-large meals from Nando's, but Harry kept at it, leafing through he ministry records Mr. Weasley had smuggled for him. Anything that could connect Baelish and Yaxley and Williamson.

He hated such kind of research but Hermione was on the Healer duty most of the time, although it felt more like she was studying a fascinating subject than helping Malfoy regain some sort of semblance of reality. Harry had seen her writing notes as often as administering medicine and taking the vitals.

"Whotcher, mate?" Ron asked drifting into the study like a ghost in his pajamas. "Mione told me to keep an eye on you... there's got to be a secret passage to Black's cellars somewhere in here. And after that fallout with mum and Ginny... we're a bit worried you might relapse."

His best friend had bitterly reminded him of the remainder of the Christmas Eve at the Burrow and him running into the living room, making everyone jump out of their seats and demanding to drop everything and go rescue Malfoy. It was definitely not one of his proudest moments however after seeing that bloody Patronus Harry forgot about everything, anxious feeling of desperation overpowering him.

"You have to see this!" he said and his friend looked at him with concern. Harry must have been a bit manic, but he didn't care since he was able to find quite a lot. "Elise somehow managed to work at the DMLE under three current ministers without much suspicion about being a muggle-born!"

"Well, she could fuck people's minds up pretty well... I reckon she was useful," the ginger concluded taking a magical picture of an Auror squad, all matching crimson robes and serious expressions on their faces.

"Not only that, she was Yaxley's protege and was involved in a lot of major trials as a witness for the defense... Look at this," he passed Ron another set of papers, "her statements excused quite a few pureblood Voldemort sympathizers from going to Azkaban. Does it makes any goddamn sense to you?"

"Not really, mate. But what did you expect, she was a Slytherin... They are not afraid to step over a couple of corpses for their ambitions!" Ron pointed at upstairs clearly talking about the semi-conscious blonde currently lying in Harry's bedroom.

"But Ron, she was helping me with the Malfoys all this time... and Kingsley had vouched for her as valuable Order informant inside the Ministry. He said we could trust her," he said.

How could someone involved with Corban Yaxley so closely be trustworthy after all? The bastard was in Voldemort's inner circle and was responsible for taking over the government in the first place.

"Harry, isn't our good old chap Williamson here?" Ron pointed at another wizarding photograph where he saw a much younger Baelish laughing together next to a familiar man with a pony-tail of strawberry blonde hair, they were in the pub, surrounded by many similar people in uniform.

"It is... wait! It says here that Oliver Williamson used to be her partner throughout the Auror training," Harry couldn't believe he had missed such a vital piece of information after trying to figure out the fake Auror for months.

"Who's that?" the ginger handed him a picture of Williamson and Elise hugging an older woman with a strict expression on her face at the steps of a Victorian house. Harry couldn't read the plaque on the wall but he noticed the door to the building had a very Slytherinesque motif on its handles – two serpents.

"Hey I know this place!" the dark-haired lad exclaimed waving the photo around in a caffeinated rush.

"Saint Barbara's... am I correct?" somebody said behind him in a distinct received pronunciation.

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