The letter

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"Go away Sev! I get the point I need to get up so quit knocking!" I shouted at my idiot brother currently trying seemingly to break my door down. "I'm just trying to make sure you're up and ready before breakfast otherwise Mum will kill you, maybe next time I won't bother with the thanks I get," I rolled my eyes at the door, did I care that he was right about my Mum, not a jot, she could very well kill me if she liked, my bed is comfy and sleep is nice.

Reluctantly I did actually get up this time because I knew that the Hogwarts acceptance letters were due to arrive today and I couldn't wait. I hurriedly put on some jeans, a white t-shirt with a tie die heart in the corner and my denim jacket and brushed my long black slightly wavy hair (that unlike my brothers isn't horrible and greasy because I actually wash mine properly) and then zoned out staring at my own eyes in the mirror for a minute remarking how they actually looked at little grey-blue today unlike normal when they just looked dark brown and green because eyes are weird like that.

I then ran out of my room sliding down the banister of the staircase. "Annabel I told you not to do that!" My Mother shouted spotting me from the doorway of the kitchen. I sat down in the dining room opposite Severus and wolfed down a plate of poached eggs on toast grinning with anticipation. "What's got you in such a good mood?" he eyed me suspiciously
"Why shouldn't I be happy? My plan to kill you and Mum is going perfectly so far, you've already eaten enough of the poison to be effective, I'd eat a bit more that might make it a faster death," I laughed sarcastically as he simply rolled his eyes. What he didn't realise was that his food may have not been poisoned but it did contain a potion that will turn his hair striped hot pink, red and gold (I was just going to use gryffindoor colours but I couldn't not turn it pink, and people say I never make compromises.)

I then ran out of the door slamming it behind me as I ran off to meet my friend Lily. It soon got opened again by my brother because I wasn't aloud to go out by myself because may occasionally get into trouble when I do although I don't exactly see what Sev being there would do to stop that.

~~ (magical time skip squiggles ooOOo)~~

"Heya Lils," I smiled at her
"Hi Anne, look what came in the mail," she practically squealed, passing over a letter. I took the letter from her a slight smirk appearing on my face, I already knew what it was. "Oh uh Lily have you read it properly yet? This isn't an acceptance letter they wanted to apologise because I told you about Hogwarts when you shouldn't know about it," I said with a grim face and she snatched it back from me and started rereading it intently. I couldn't hold it any longer and burst into laughter she then glared up at me in annoyance for laughing at her reaction and then it properly clicked and she punched me in the arm. It was definitely worth it though her face, you had to be there you know?

That's when someone came to ruin my fun, Severus. I rolled my eyes at his approach. I loved spending time with Lily I really did she was my best friend (and my only friend) but Sev had brought a wedge between us I refused to hang out with the two of them it was unbearable. I didn't get along with him at all he would never stand up for me or take my side like I would or at least not directly occasionally he wouldn't tell Mum something I'd done that would get me into trouble if he was absolutely sure she wouldn't find out herself. I'd given up trying to keep her away from him even though she had been my friend first, I was only trying to help her before she got hurt.

"Hi Sev," she smiled at him, oh of course she gets to call him Sev but when I do it I'm being annoying. He smiled back shyly "Hello," he then turned to me with a glare, yeah he didn't want me here as much as I didn't want to be there. I decided to go sit and read for a while I still didn't have to go back home yet so I might as well.

I then jumped down from the tree I'd sat in remembering about the letters. I went over to my brother and Lily and dragged him back home with me despite his complaining because I didn't want my Mum to be suspicious that we hadn't been together.


I swung the door open and looked down to see two sealed letters at my feet. In a flash I'd grabbed mine and read it. I would write what the letter says here but I guess the author is to lazy to look what it's supposed to say and then type all that up so I'll just tell you I read it out loud and you have to just trust me on that I guess.

So yeah where were we? Oh yeah right I got my letter, wooo! Then my Mum came into the room and took the letter from me. "Right well we shall go to diagon ally tomorrow and I will send of your responses to tell them you're coming right away," she said with her classic unamused detached deadpan look and tone. I could've jumped for joy and ran about the house screaming for hours but then I saw my Mothers face and thought better of it. Didn't stop me from sneaking out and doing that in the forest though.

A/N thank you for reading the first chapter I hope you enjoyed it feel free to comment, vote and whatnot (whatnot's a funny word isn't it?) I can't believe I've already had a 4th wall break it's only the first chapter for God's (/Chuck (or Jack but I'm not caught up yet) (don't worry if you don't understand this reference)) sake. Dam that was a lot of brackets hehe. Wait where was I? Oh yeah that wall that's doesn't really exist, well I'm not going to break it that often (maybe) it will just depend on when I see a good opportunity for it really which I don't think will happen that regularly.

Well I'll try to keep this short or else my authors note will be longer than the actual story, oops. So I just want to say a massive thank you too Doppinass my amazing friend who got me to write this story originally, you got me back into writing and now I'm actually writing stuff on Wattpad where people other than you can read it now! I hope this is at least as good as the original version I wrote for you that I'm trying to re-write here if not better so thank you for everything and I can't wait to see you again when we get out of lockdown cos I miss you x

That felt kinda sappy but I wanted to do it so sorry everyone else who had to read that I hope it wasn't annoying for you LOL.

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