In which James Potter is extremely awkward

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~Annabel's POV~

I woke up to James Potter and Peter Petigrew dancing about, shouting and laughing on top of James' bed in their underwear with a topless Remus Lupin throwing pillows at them from the other side of the room. "What the-?" I questioned as I sat up. "You're not Sirius," Peter said looking over at me puzzled.
"Clearly," I nodded.
"You didn't notice that earlier Pete?" James looked at the smaller boy. "No," he admitted.

"What's going on? Why- wait am I in your dorm?"
"Yep, more specifically your in Sirius' bed," James smirked.
"We don't know, you'll have to ask Sirius... wherever he might be," Remus said.
"Have you looked for him?"
"No we've been in here all morning. Some people have been refusing to get dressed," Remus glared at the other two. "Want to join in? Make things even?" he asked dropping a cushion that he'd been holding to put on a shirt.
"I think you've already won they'll realise any second now. 3...2...1,"
"Oh shit!" James exclaimed jumping off the bed and grabbing some clothes to cover himself up more. It took Peter a few seconds longer for the penny to drop and he too grabbed the closest thing to him to cover himself up better.

They turned around and got properly changed and then they sat on the edge of James' bed opposite me, Remus coming over and sitting beside me. "I wish I just randomly woke up in one of the girls dormitories," James thought out loud. I snorted, "What the hell,"
"Oh, uh did I say that out loud?"
"Yes," Remus answered through his hands that he'd planted his head into. "Oops... well I mean... if it was the other way round, like I'd appeared in your dorm like that. Not obviously with you there,"
"Well I don't know why, you wouldn't see anything anyway. We don't tend to have morning pillow fights in our underwear. In fact we don't even get changed in front of each other, we go into the bathroom,"
"Really? Oh... I mean we got changed in the bathroom at first but the lock doesn't work and most of us are shit at knocking on doors so we've all seen each other naked already, for the most part,"
"Wow... I mean, you learn something new every day," I shook my head. I later thought back on that day remembering the scars Remus had, apparently it had been an unspoken rule in the dorm that they didn't ask questions about Remus and Sirius' scars (I found later that he had some too though for different reasons.)

"Should we go find Sirius?" Peter asked. I pondered on it for a minute, "No, let's make him come to us and explain himself." "Where did you fall asleep because it wasn't here was it?" James questioned. "McGonagall's office, we have to write this story and wanted to get as much of it written last night as possible,"
"So what, he carried you up here?" Remus asked. I shrugged, "Guess so."

"So what do you want to do while we wait?" Peter chirped. "Actually I have something I need your help with, I was going to include Sirius in this too but I guess I can tell him later," James explained. "Well if he did sleep in the common room then Marlene is probably going to hold him up," I sulked.
"Okay so-" James was stopped by the noise of Peters tummy rumbling. Peter blushed awkwardly, "What I'm hungry, we haven't had any breakfast."
"So? It's the weekend you're not supposed to have breakfast, you're supposed to be asleep until lunch time," I told him.
"You're parents would let you get away with that? I thought they were some pompous Slytherin pureblood family," James looked shocked. "Well kind of... I was raised by my Mum who is from a family like that but my Dad was a muggle. She's in denial about it all after her family disowned her and has convinced herself that we're purebloods, and some other people too I think. But she never lets me sleep in, you're right, but my Dad did," I explained the whole atmosphere suddenly turning sadder. "Anyway do you want to go get breakfast then?" I said trying to draw the attention away from what I'd been saying. "Maybe just one of us could go get something from the kitchens? Then Sirius still has to come to us," James suggested.
"Hold on what if you do that and "run into Sirius" but act like everything's normal and that I'm not here," I grinned.
"You're a genius," James jumped up excitedly.
"It has been said. That and incredibly humble too. Don't take this the wrong way James but maybe Remus should be the one to go... by your obviousness of your crush on Lilly I think Remus might be better at acting normal," I patted him on the shoulder in sympathy. "What! That's what I was going to tell you, how did you know?!" he said clutching his hand over his chest and falling back onto the bed. "You're not exactly subtle mate," Remus chuckled, "Hey look we can go together, maybe leave the talking to me though, alright?" James huffed a little but nodded and left with him nonetheless.

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