Lessons in muggles

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~Mira's POV~

I was still trapped in the attic and getting incredibly restless now. I looked out of the window, it was a beautiful sunny day, and I was trapped inside. Unless...

I climbed out of the window onto the roof and carefully manoeuvred my way to solid ground. I wandered around the town aimlessly until I stopped outside a muggle shop. It looked like it sold all sorts. If only I had muggle money. I sighed and started kicking a rock around the tiny car park.

"Hey," a girl around my age walked up to me. She had clear golden brown skin, curly brown hair and hazel eyes along with a cute lopsided grin. "Hi," I looked up surprised that anyone was actually talking to me. "You're one of the Black family aren't you?" she asked.
"Uh... yeah," I nodded. How does she know who I am if she's a muggle?

"You're all magical aren't you? You must be a witch," she grinned overly excited by the whole interaction. "Well, yeah. How do you know that though, if you are a muggle?"
"A what?"
"Muggle, non-magical,"
"Oh... yeah. My Uncle he's a Wizard, but I'm not. I wish I was it would be awesome if I could do magic, instead I'm just normal,"
"From my point of view I'm the normal one." She opened her mouth to say something but didn't seem sure what she wanted to say, I'd stumped her.

"Mira," I introduced myself, sticking my hand out.
"Lucy," she shook my hand. "What's the best part of being a witch?" she asked.
"Hmm, I mean I guess being able to do magic in general is good. It makes life so much easier then what I hear it's like for Muggles. I'd give it up though, to live in the muggle world, if it meant I was free from my parents," I reflected.
"Your Parents must be pretty rubbish then, I can't imagine anything making me want to give up magic if I had it,"
"Maybe because you know what it's like to not have it, I don't. Although I doubt it would change what I said,"
"Yeah maybe," she nodded thoughtfully. "Hey give me a sec," she ran off into the shop leaving me standing alone in the car park.

Okay so it wasn't standing for long since I sat down on the edge of the pavement. She walked back out with two ice creams and passed one to me sitting beside me. "You didn't have to do that,"
"What's pocket money for, eh?" she laughed, "You know I'm not really meant to talk to you, your family kinda has a reputation," Lucy explained.
"Well I'm not supposed to talk to you either, since you're a muggle. But I couldn't care less about that, what difference does it make really? You're still a nice person," I smiled.
"Yeah you're not so bad yourself. I feel like I know you from somewhere,"
"I think we may have bumped into each other once," I shrugged.

Flashes of images flickered through my head of cold winter days and raging hot summers. Some of it felt like my dreams, like fleeting prophecies. Whereas some of it seemed like long forgotten memories. A flash of light that blinded me from them came back to me.

"I think we did know each other, but something happened," I said my mood dampening. "Well, we know each other now and that's what counts. Cheers," she tapped our ice creams together. This lightened the mood again.

We sat on the pavement eating ice creams and chatting nonsense for the rest of the day. She complained about Maths and a boy who was always mean to her at muggle school and raved about famous muggles throughout history telling me loads of cool facts about them. I didn't know muggles could be so interesting, or that they had such amazing stories to tell. Maybe she could teach me more about the Muggle world? Lessons in muggles if you like?

When it started to go dark I bid her farewell and climbed back up into the attic where a tray of food had been left for me. I smiled at the little note in Regulus' hand writing that was hidden underneath my plate. "If you're going to take a risk like that again then make sure you have fun at least. Please just don't get caught though, okay?" He was right, if I was going to sneak out I'd have to be careful, but I was also going to make the most of it of course. Otherwise what would be the point?

A/N okay so this has kind of been added at the end because I thought I'd already published this and now the timelines changed and things so some bits might not make sense in the next book where she doesn't remember her at all but... this is taking place over the summer btw

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