Haunted Hospital Wing

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Me, James, Remus, Peter, Lilly, Alice and Marlene were all sat with Sirius after dinner (well I brought more food for him again like before) and all sat either at the end of the bed or on the edge of the one next to his. Sadly Madam Pomfrey made us leave because otherwise we'd be out of bed after hours. I however didn't care about that particular rule and knew that Sirius wasn't going to be going to sleep for at least a good few hours later, I also knew that Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be able to see me from her office.

"Hey," I whispered.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like? I'm coming to see you,"
"Why not, I didn't think you'd be asleep and everyone else is being boring so I snuck out," I sat back in my original place on the bed from lunch time. He smiled softly at me, "Well I suppose it beats being sat here all alone in what's frankly a very creepy room. In fact I think it might be haunted,"
"Well duh the whole castles haunted it wouldn't be a surprise,"
"No but in like a cursed way,"
"It's probably fine, there's nothing to be scared of,"
"Of course not I'm not scared, are you?"
"Absolutely not,"
"You cold?" he asked seeing me pull my dressing gown around me tighter. "A little," I admitted
"Stand up a second," he said I gave him a confused look but did as he asked. Then he pulled the duvet cover back. "Huh?"
"Well get back in then,"
"Oh come on it's obviously not like that we're just friends. But you're cold, the covers will keep you warm,"
"You sure it's not because you're scared and want me to protect you from the haunted hospital wing," I smirked through the dark.
"Why would that need you to be under the covers?"
"I don't know, make you feel just that bit safer," he chuckled quietly as I climbed in beside him still sitting up somewhat.

That's when we heard a noise. Sirius grabbed my hand under the cover in shock. We then realised it was Madam Pomfrey coming out of her office. I hid under the covers as Sirius pretended to be asleep still clutching onto my hand. After a few minutes the coast was clear and I emerged from the covers again. "I think I might be just a little bit scared," he confessed
"I don't blame you. I think everyone's scared of something even the bravest people,"
"You think I'm brave?"
"Well let me put it this way I don't think the sorting hat was wrong to put you in Gryffindor,"
"Really cos I don't feel particularly brave being scared of a few bumps in the night,"
"Yes really, it's also a really creepy room like you said. Can I tell you a secret?"
"Of course,"
"I used to be scared of the dark. It absolutely terrified me. I just kept imagining various things like a tiger or murderer coming through my door or from under my bed and killing me. It was the fact that I couldn't see it coming, the unknown. If I'm even more honest I still kinda am, I've just sorta got used to it, but I still find myself on occasion imagining those things and whenever I go to turn the light off my heart rate quickens and I practically sprint back to my bed as if it's a lifeboat in the sea. I can't fall over and break my neck in the dark from not tidying my room if I'm lying on my bed,"
"Well then I reckon you're extremely brave then because being brave isn't about not being scared of anything, that's just stupidity, no I think being brave is being able to fight through those fears and do the thing anyway. Therefore you must be really brave because you face your fear every night, and in doing so it becomes just that little bit less scary and you become that little bit stronger," he squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

Just then I realised how close we actually were, we were only on a single bed it wasn't exactly made for two people. Just then we heard another noise and Sirius made a little scream making erupt in laughter. "Shhhhh!" he covered my mouth and watched to see if Madam Pomfrey was coming out of her office. It turns out she wasn't but Mrs Norris was coming through the door.

"Shoo shoo. Get outa here," Sirius tried to get her to leave but instead Mrs Norris jumped on to the bed. I started stroking her her and Sirius looked at me in disgust, "More of a dog person then?" I asked.
"Yep," he continued looking at the creature in horror and then Mrs Norris scratched me out of nowhere and ran off. "See they're evil!" he exclaimed in triumph.
"No they're not, they just get scared or want to play but people think they're being malicious. They're incredibly intelligent animals and beautiful too,"
"I don't reckon so. I suppose you've got a favourite type of cat too,"
"Well if we're including big cats then a Lion. They were my Dad's favourite, he was a zookeeper and he actually named one of the lion cubs after me,"
"Wow I had no idea,"
"I wonder if there are lions where he is, wherever that might be. Could be heaven? Might not be,"
"Yeah, you know this is so weird we've only just met and it feels like we've known each other for years. Already I've opened up to you about things that I'm not sure I've ever actually talked to anyone about, it's incredible how at ease you make me feel and how I can just talk to you about anything and everything and want to as well. I don't think I've ever been so open with anyone really... maybe my sister and brother in moments in weakness but I don't like to burden them with my problems, try to just keep a brave face and protect them, shelter them from the harsh realities of the family they've been born into, all while making sure they don't take on the same prejudices,"
"It's crazy isn't it? Do you think they realise what you've been doing and what your families really like?"
"I'm pretty sure yeah. I knew I couldn't keep them safe forever but I wanted them to have a somewhat normal childhood at least, free from worry. Now I'm not even there with them, my sister, Mira , does write but Regulus, that's my brother, he's stopped. She says it's because our parents wouldn't allow them to anyway but she decided she'd keep on writing in secret, that she'd have sent letters from Regulus too but she didn't want him to get into trouble if she got caught. That's the problem really, she doesn't seem to care much about her safety she's more than willing to fight with our parents and I'm really scared that she's going to push it one day and get seriously hurt. I've tried to talk to her but she doesn't listen, she's set out to be different from the rest of the family to break free from that, which I'm all for but it's putting her in danger and I'm not there to save her anymore,"
"She'll be alright, I know that there's nothing I can do to make you believe that but she will be. And there's no use worrying when you can't do anything. So just keep writing to her, I bet she looks forward to it it's probably a real comfort to her knowing that you're safe because in all likelihood she worries about you too, she knows you would do anything to protect her and doesn't want you to get hurt when doing so. She's not a lot younger than you is she? How longs it until she'll be at Hogwarts too?"
"Next year,"
"That's great then,"
"Yeah," he gave a small smile as if talking to himself more.

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