Chapter 1 (A Burning Curiosity)

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(thoughts are in italics)

Nagito POV/3rd person

Nagito hummed softly as he made his way to the bus stop after school. The snow crunching softly beneath his feet. He shivered. Burying his face deeper into his striped scarf to avoid the winter air biting at his pale skin more than it already was. As he got closer he saw someone standing there. A boy at that.
Huh. I thought no one else from school took this bus.. He thought to himself. 

Nagito couldn't take his eyes off the unfamiliar boy. He had headphones on and a scarf wrapped tightly around his shoulders and face, due to the winter weather. His eyes were closed and he was leaning against the bus shelter. Nagito could see the small puffs of air as the boy breathed out, the white haired boy was for a lack of words, mesmerized. 

Just as he was about to tap the burnett's shoulder to ask who he was, the bus pulled up and the boy's eyes snapped open. Nagito jumped back a little and gasped. His eyes were a light hazel mixed with green. They were beautiful- Wait what am I even thinking!? Nagito scolded himself. 
The boy briefly glanced at Nagito before stepping onto the bus and sitting down before closing his eyes again. The white haired male followed and chose a seat slightly behind the other boy. Nagito had to force himself to look away from the other boy, as he stared out the window his mind began to wonder.
Who is he? Where did he come from? Why have I never seen him in class before? Why is he so pretty... 

Nagito was snapped away from his thoughts when he heard the ding of the bus cord being pulled. He looked towards the front and saw the mystery boy get up and nod slightly to the driver as a thank you then he stepped out and walked away. Nagito kept his eyes on the brunette even as the bus pulled away from the stop. 
I wonder when I'll see you again... the white haired thought as images of the mystery boy swirled in his mind.

Hajime POV/3rd person 

Hajime sighed as he arrived at the bus stop checking his watch. "Bus is late again" he mumbled to himself while grabbing his headphones from his backpack. Pulling out his phone from his pocket and putting his headphones over his ears. He selected a playlist and leaned up against the bus shelter closing his eyes, lost in the music. 
The brunette heard some shuffling to his left but didn't bother to open his eyes, It's probably just someone waiting for the bus like me. He told himself discreetly snuggling deeper into his burgundy scarf. 

He could sense someone looking at him but he still didn't open his eyes to see who or what it was. Suddenly he heard the screaming breaks of the bus and his eyes shot open. He heard a barely audible gasp from beside him and looked over to see that it was a white haired boy. The boy was very pale- almost as ghostyl as his hair, and was wrapped in a striped scarf and a green coat. His eyes were also a pale grey green, like frozen moss or lichen. He looks about the same age as me...I wonder if we go to the same school.. The brunette thought as he quickly looked the other up and down before stepping onto the bus and finding a seat.

Hajime could feel eyes burning into the back of his head as he heard the white haired step onto the bus and sat down. He shivered slightly as he felt the staring continue. Why is this guy staring at I have something in my hair..? Hajime thought, shifting in his seat again.

He finally felt the other look away and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He opened his eyes after a while to see where they were and realized the bus was nearing his stop. Hajime reached his hand up and pulled the cord and instantly felt eyes on him again. He made his way to the front of the bus giving the driver a small nod as a thank you and stepped off. As the bus pulled away he looked back and suddenly became curious about the white haired boy.

"Why am I curious about some guy who kept staring like a creep..." the brunette asked himself. He shook his head and started to walk home turning up his music, trying to deafen the thoughts of the pale boy and his burning stare. 

777 words

hello readers! this is my first book ever! im not completely sure about how I want to continue or end this book buutttt i hope the first chapter was good so far.

im excited to continue this book and will put out the next chapter soon!

i dont even know where i got this idea i just pulled it outta my ass lol-

also feel free to comment about how i can improve for my next chapters


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