Chapter 9 (Autopilot)

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TWs: negative self-talk

Hajme/3rd person POV

Hajime felt someone gently shaking him awake. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes he looked beside him to see Chiaki smile. “Wake up sleepyhead!” She said softly. “I’ll be downstairs making breakfast, come down when you are ready to go!” Hajime nodded, still not fully awake; or entirely recovered from last night. The sleepy boy swung his legs off the bed and stood up, wobbling a bit while stretching out his stiff muscles. Since he didn't bring another pair of clothes, Hajime just smoothed out his shirt and headed downstairs after grabbing the things he came with. The smell of pancakes and orange juice wafted through the air as Hajime descended down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

Chiaki had just put the last of the batter onto the pan as the brunette walked up to the counter. "Mmm smells good." Hajime complemented.

"Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells-" Chiaki said with a small smile, putting a couple pancakes onto a plate for her friend. He nodded as a thank you and picked up his fork, spacing out and picking at his food. Chiaki turned off the stove and took a seat beside Hajime. “Aren’t you gonna eat your pancakes?” She asked, gesturing to his plate. 

“Oh- uh yeah sorry I must have been spacing out..” The brunette replied, picking up a bit of pancake and eating it, even though he wasn’t that hungry. The pair sat in silence while eating, but it was short lived because Chiaki suddenly stood up and grabbed Hajime. 

“Oh shoot! Look at the time! We are gonna be late for school if we don't leave right now!” The light haired girl yelped while pulling Hajime from his chair. He squeaked and patted his pockets, making sure he had everything before following his friend out the door. They dashed across the street to the bus stop, Chiaki frantically looking around to make sure they didn’t miss it. 
Fortunately the bus arrived soon after they got to the stop. They both sighed in relief as they took their seats. “Man that was a close one..”  Hajime said, looking over at Chiaki who nodded.

{Time skip}

As the bus neared the school Hajime pulled the cord and headed to the doors, with Chiaki right behind him. “Thank you.” They said in unison as they exited the bus. Hajime looked around at the people arriving at the school. Unconsciously searching for the boy he had ran into the other day. Slightly disappointed when he didn't see him, he looked back over to his friend to see she was playing a game of her phone. Gently nudging her shoulder with his he said “Soo..I guess I’ll see you at lunch?”

Chiaki paused her game and looked up momentarily confused, but then nodded. “Yeah! I’ll see you then!” The gamer said smiling. Hajime tried to smile back and waved goodbye as he turned to walk away. Despite going to the same school, Hajime was in the Reserve Course Department. The part of the school reserved for those without talents...Hajime sighed and kept his head low while walking to his class, ashamed that he wasn’t a part of the main academy. Entering his first class he took a seat at the back, not wanting to draw attention to himself.
His classmates slowly filtered in, filling up the room. The teacher entered and started the lesson. Bored, Hajime stared out the window watching the snow fall gracefully, the sounds of the classroom getting quieter and quieter as he spaced out. 

He felt someone poke his shoulder. “Dude. The teacher is calling one you.” The kid close to him said. Hajime snapped his head to the front of the class as his hear sped up in a panic. 

“Hinata. Can you tell me the answer to question 5.” The teacher said with a hand on her hip. 

Shit shit shit! I wasn’t paying attention...what are we doing…?! Hajime thought as he frantically flipped through the pages of his notebook. 

“Hinata. Did you hear me?” The teacher said again. 

“Um y-yeah just give m-me a second..” Hajime said his face ablaze from everyone staring at him and the anxiety of not knowing the right answer. 

“I see you were not paying attention. Maybe this will be a reminder that you should be focusing on your school work, and not staring out the window thinking about useless things.” The teacher said with an annoyed look on her face. 

“Y-yes Ma’am. I’m s-sorry.” Hajime barely forced out looking down at his lap and pulling at his fingers. She huffed and returned to her lesson, Hajime swore he heard people snicker and whisper about what had happened. Ugh I’m so careless... how could I embarrass myself like that...Maybe this is why I don’t have a talent...I’m such a disappointment...guess my parents were right.... The boy thought while biting back tears.

Hajime felt like he was on autopilot the whole morning. Only moving from class to class, doing nothing but spacing out and staring out windows. He just wanted the morning to be over.

After another hour or so of boring classes, the bell rang, signaling it was lunch time for the students. Hajime put his books into his desk and rushed out the door, just wanting to see his friend and take his mind off of his shitty morning. Hajime rounded the corner and stopped outside the school, shivering slightly at the drop in temperature. He hurriedly made his way to his and Chiaki’s meeting place. From afar he saw someone chatting with Chiaki and tilted his head curiously. As the burnette got closer he saw the person more clearly and stopped dead in his tracks, breath catching in his throat slightly.  

Holy. Fuck. No way.

978 words

im so sorry this chapter is like more than a day late, i had really bad writers block and couldnt come up with anything :((

so i hope this longer(ish) chapter makes up for that

also im sorry for all the errors on the previous chapter. i wrote most of it on google Docs on my phone and it told me the document was fine when it wasnt D:<

i hope you all have a good day or night and remember to set google Docs on fire for being a bitch :)


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