Chapter 16 (Brighter With You)

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Hajime/3rd person POV

Hajime woke up the next morning feeling lighter than air. Today he was going to hang out with Nagito, and excited wouldn't even begin to describe how he was feeling. Assuming they would be going to the light festival straight from school; Hajime decided he would wear the outfit of his choice to school so he didn't have to change awkwardly somewhere. The brunette looked at himself in the mirror once more to make sure he looked presentable. He was wearing a white sweater that had small strips of green on the end of the sleeves, as well as a pair of black jeans. Not bad. Hajime thought, leaving the mirror, making his way downstairs and out the door. 

The morning went by painfully slow. Hajime could barely think about anything besides Nagito. He kept shifting his gaze over to the clock, hoping if he stared at it long enough he could make time pass by faster. After what felt like years, the lunch bell finally sounded. Only a few more hours to go..the brunette sighed and pouted as he went to find Chiaki for lunch. They met up in their usual spot and Hajime was ecstatic to see that Nagito was joining them again. Hajime didn't even bother to try and conceal the smile forming on his lips. Instead he just smiled wider and waved at the white haired boy. 

Nagito smiled and waved back making his heart skip a beat. Such a pretty smile, I hope I can make him smile like that more.. Hajime looked away bashfully, embarrassed that he had been staring. The trio picked a secluded spot to avoid the cold as much as they could. Unfortunately there was no shared cafeteria in the school, so they always had to meet up outside. Luckily the weather had been pretty good for November, not too cold, but cold enough to make you uncomfortable if you stayed out too long. Hajime watched as Nagito and Chiaki pulled out some form of lunch and mentally facepalmed, the brunette had forgotten to pack a lunch. He was too preoccupied trying to look good; he had neglected the thought of food. Nagito had seemed to notice his expression and lack of food, the younger boy looked down at his lunch and handed half of a sandwich to Hajime. Hjaime looked at Nagito with a guilty expression. “Are you sure I should..? You should keep your food.” 

“I insist! I wouldn’t want you going hungry now.” Nagito said with a smile. 

Hesitantly Hajime reached out and took the half from Nagito, nodding to him as a thanks. The trio finished eating and chatted about random things. Their classes, hobbies, nothing too interesting. Although Hajime couldn’t miss the way Nagito was sneaking glances at him. Hajime only knew Nagito was sneaking glances because that’s exactly what he had been doing. Their eyes connected a few times but it never lasted long, both too flustered to be caught staring at each other. Lunch went by way too quickly in Hajime’s mind, he wished he could have spent more time with his friends. But the brunette wasn’t too devastated, seeing as he would be going out Nagito again later. 

“See you later Hajime- I can’t wait.” Nagito somewhat whispered to Hajime before leaving for his afternoon classes. 

“Ah- yeah! Me either..” Hajime said, his face flushed crimson. 

{Time skip bc im lazy}

The final bell of the day rang, releasing everyone from their classes. Hjaime could feel his heart start to race. He couldn’t contain his excitement, he wanted to see Nagito right that minute. Hajime rushed to the front of the school and looked around for the boy. His eyes lit up the moment he spotted him. Taking deep breaths Hajime walked over to Nagito and tapped him on the shoulder. Nagito turned around and instantly smiled making the brunette fill with butterflies. 

“Hey! Ready to go??” Nagito asked, looking Hajime up and down. “You look uh- good by the way..”

If it was possible to turn a darker shade of red, Hajime did. “Y-yeah I’m ready! And um too!” Nagito was wearing a faded red and green long sleeve shirt with a black coat and black jeans. Hajime followed Nagito as they made their way to a different bus stop. Ah I feel so nervous, should I say something??  “So how was your day?” Hajime asked not knowing what else to say. 

“Average, my classes felt crazy long though, yours?” Nagito responded, looking at Hajime. 

“Same-” Hajime paused momentarily then continued, “I was so excited about today I, and class was so long I thought the end of the day might never come haha.” 

“I’m glad you were looking forward to today, I promise it will be worth the wait.” Nagito said, his eyes sparkling. The pair reached the stop and boarded the bus when it came. The boys talked about various topics on the ride over, learning more about each other as they did so. 

A short while later they arrived at the venue for the light festival. The air between the boys was electric as they stepped off the bus towards the entrance of the festival. we are..! Hajime thought, his heart fluttering. He felt a warmth on his left and looked down. Nagito had grabbed a hold of his hand and had slipped it into his pocket. 
“I just um- don’t want you to get cold...Is this okay..?” Nagito asked, avoiding looking directly at the brunette. 

Hajime nodded and squeezed Nagito’s hand lightly. “Y-yeah! It’s n-nice..” The older boy looked at Nagito with a smile before quickly looking away. With that the white haired boy gripped Hjaime’s hand tightly and pulled him towards the check in. Hajime smiled sweetly and let Nagito pull him forward, overjoyed that their date was about to begin.

986 words

oopsss sorry this chapter is late AGAIN ive been so crazy unmotivated it sucks- like i wanna wright but at the same time i don't :/

in other news i pulled Hu Tao on her banner in genshin yesterday and cried on my floor for like 10 minutes- im so happy i got her she has my whole heart ♡

ill try to make a better posting schedule for the next chapters but yeahhh

have a good rest of your day and good luck if you play genshin and are pulling for Hu Tao <3


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