Chapter 20 (Sinking)

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TW/CW: use of the f-slur*, implied suicidal thoughts, hitting, self degradation, basically major angst

*in regards to the use of the f-slur, i am a member of the lqbtq+ community so i can reclaim it. but if it makes people uncomfortable i will gladly remove it and replace it.*

Hajime/3rd person POV

The light show had finally come to a close, people were bustling all over the place trying to escape the crowded scene. Hajime chuckled to himself, happy the pair didn’t have to try and shove their way out, thanks to their special viewing spot. “Hey Hajime, wanna get going?” Nagito said in a hushed voice beside him. 

“Not yet, I want to stay like this for a while longer. It’s warm..” He mumbled nuzzling his head into Nagito slightly. Hajime could feel Nagito’s heart rate shoot up, or maybe that was just his own. The pale boy ruffled Hajime’s hair affectionately.

“Okay, but not too much longer, I don't want you to get frostbite.” Hajime nodded against Nagito and closed his eyes, letting his brain digest all the events of the night. Nagito started to hum a soft tune, it somehow fit the winter air, but still sounded warm and full. Hajime tried to focus on the humming, wanting to drown out all the other sounds of the world. He wished he could make everyone else disappear so he could spend forever with the boy beside him. Hajime’s heart always felt happy and full when Nagito was with him. He made him forget about his awful parents and the fact he didn’t have a talent. Nagito never looked at him differently, he treated Hajime as an equal. Hm..I wonder if this is.. Shaking his head Hajime cut off his thoughts, it was much too early to be thinking things like that. Sitting up and turning his head to Nagito he spoke. 

“Okay, I think I’m ready to go now.” Hajime said, more than disappointed that their date had to end. Nagito quickly picked up on the disappointed tone in Hajimes voice and leaned forward to connect their lips in a short kiss. The brunette still had his eyes closed when Nagito pulled back, trying to relish every kiss given to him. 

“Don’t look so sad, we can always make plans for another date y’know.” Nagito said with a smile in his voice. Hajime’s eyes shot wide open at his statement. I mean he knew this was a date but having the worlds spoken out loud was rather flustering. “Cute..” He heard Nagito whisper under his breath. Hajime lightly punched Nagito’s shoulder in embarrassment, not knowing another way to respond. He heard Nagito chuckle then reach down to hold his hand. “Come on, let's go.” 

Hajime let Nagito guide him from the venue to the bus stop. Neither of them spoke on the way there, not because they had nothing to say; but because there was nothing that needed to be said. Just each other's presence was enough for them. They didn’t need to make idle chit chat to feel comfortable. 

Hajime liked the sound of the crunching snow beneath his shoes. Each step sounded slightly different than the last making it all the more interesting to listen to. The brunette looked up from the ground to find Nagito staring at him once again, he still didn't say anything; he just looked around at the scenery. The street lights were on of course, but that wasn’t the only light source at his time of year. Strings of brightly coloured lights adorned houses and even some trees on peoples lawns. After all, it was nearing the Christmas season. Hajime was so lost in his mind he wasn’t aware of the ice under his foot. Uh oh.. Were his only thoughts as he braced himself for the impact of the ground. But it never came. He opened his eyes to find himself being held up by Nagito. “Don’t worry, I got you.” Nagito said soothingly. 

“Ah, thanks..” Hajime said, face hot with embarrassment from his almost fall. As he stood back up properly, he expected Nagito to remove his hand from his waist but he just pulled him closer and kept walking. Hajime’s heart fluttered at the contact, he wanted to return the affection in some way but he wasn't sure how. A light squeeze to his side made him look up. Nagito tilted his head and smiled reassuringly as if he knew exactly what the brunette had been thinking. Though Hajime had only known Nagito for a short time he already knew exactly how to comfort and reassure him, it was such a relief to have one more person to trust. 

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