Chapter 3 - Game Console.

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Simon's dizziness had subsided the next day, and he was feeling neutral. However, he knew that they had school the following day, concluding to reminding Alvin to keep his conversations  roughly the same, and not plan a party or anything extreme. He headed to his lab, keen on starting the recovery of his time machine.

Alvin was with Theodore at the skatepark trying out a complex trick - or more like Theodore watching Alvin doing it and insist he watch another time before letting Theodore attempt it himself. Dave was resting after a long week of working on songs for an angst film, which surprisingly included death and suspense, a first time for Dave. Eleanor and Brittany were relaxing in the vine-clad treehouse, flicking through Instant Gram photos on a turquoise iPad and deciding which of the boys in their class were more cute. Jeanette, who slightly couldn't bear her sisters cruelly judging looks behind backs, was outside feeding the birds, admiring their elegant beaks snacking up the small seeds, watching them squabble non-verbally over the large quantities of seeds that lay in clumps. It was a beautiful day, and everyone was occupied. 

 But Simon had to start worrying about Alvin even more than he already does, along with the stress of some upcoming tests. If he changed even the SMALLEST things, who knows what future they would be living in..

"You've got to keep  everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - close to the sa-"

"Yeah, I will and I will again. Done yet?" The red clad stared up at his elder brother, looking irritated.

Simon sighed.

"Come on boys, don't want to be late for school!" came a call from downstairs.

"That's a matter of opinion." muttered Alvin (I mean he's not wrong).

"Coming Dave!" called Theodore (who was on the other side of the room, oblivious to conversation), pulling up his socks.


"Morning, class." greeted Miss Smith, somewhat darkly. "I'm hoping you have all read the required pages, though that's a lot to hope for from this class as a whole."

There was an awkward silence as she surveyed them. Not a single person - besides Simon, Warren, Kevin, and Cheesy - had read the pages.

"Anyone want to start a discussion on the book? Alvin?" she asked maliciously.

Simon looked at Alvin with aspiration in his eyes.

"I'll pass." he yawned.

Yes! Exact same words as last week! Simon couldn't believe his ears, his brother had taken his advice, had taken him seriously, had respected his wishes and followed them however much he acted like he would rather care for his algebra homework. Maybe this whole thing was going to work out..?

"Well that's not how it works here, Alvin. Did you read the pages?" her voice stiffened.

"..I wouldn't exactly say-"

"Did you read them or not?"


"It's yes or no, Alvin." informed Miss Smith dangerously. The use of his name in the tone which Miss Smith spoke it caused Alvin high discomfort. He instinctively squirmed in his chair unpleasantly.

".. Fine, no."

"What a surprise. Detention, Alvin. After school."

She glared around the class once more, looking around for another student to dole out a detention to.


"Thank you, Alvin!!" gushed Simon, he was so relieved his brother had payed attention to what he said.

Alvin just smiled.


"Hey Theodore! Want to get past level 90?!" called Alvin. He was positioned on the floor, game console held in his hands, popcorn by his side. Something about this structure made Theodore to think that he would have ended up aiding Alvin anyway, even if he had declined.

"Sure. Simon, come help us get past level 90!"

Simon's footsteps sounded down the stairs, signalling that he would indeed help them pass level 90.

Alvin and Simon knew what was about to happen, but Alvin knew too well Simon didn't want him preventing it in any way, even if it somehow caused trouble in this new dimension of the past.

The three brothers were sat in front of the screen for at least an hour; Dave was out shopping for necessities, though he made it painfully clear didn't want to see them playing video games when he arrived.

The brothers sat themselves on the floor, the popcorn staying suspiciously close to Theodore's side.

"Hey, give over, that's next weeks-" Alvin started to demand of Theodore, but then remembered Simon was there and wasn't about to admit to his rule-abiding brother that the popcorn that was being chewed by the youngest was next weeks supply, not to be eaten early.

Luckily, Simon hadn't noticed, due to him sorting out the system and the consoles.

For the next hour, all that issued from their mouths were joke-y in-game threats to their oppositions online, yells of victory, and rants of defeat.

Suddenly, the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway grasped the boys attention.

"It's Dave-" hissed Theodore, stating the obvious.

"Turn it off!!" instructed Simon.

Theodore and Simon quickly put back the game consoles and switched the game off.

But Alvin? He was still gloating about getting the highest score, while clutching his game console and waving it about.

"Alvin-" whispered Simon. Too late.

"Hey boys!" said Dave, entering the room. Alvin, thankfully having skilled reflexes, stuffed the console up his shirt.

"Oh, hey Dave- I'm gonna go use the bathroom- cya-"

Alvin rushed upstairs to hide the console..where? Where did he put it last time?

Oh, what did it matter? It wasn't like some giant octopus was going to creep into his bedroom and gobble it up. He stuffed it carelessly in the cupboard, slipping it under the gap of the door, not wanting to cause an avalanche of items that he had 'tidied'.He were to collect it tomorrow. He honestly didn't see the big deal about collecting it ten minutes earlier. What harm could it do?

Well, as the author, I'll let you in on a secret. He didn't know that. He didn't know that yet.

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