Chapter 5 - A Plan?

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Alvin stared at himself in the mirror, taking in his appearance. Light brown hair, slightly falling into his bright blue eyes. Eyes dampened with worry, heartbreak, and confusion.

'What did Simon have that he didn't?'
Once again, his brain had formed a thought without him actually acknowledging it.

Well, they were almost completely different in every way.

Simon liked books, Alvin couldn't get past the title. Simon's brain was filled with everlasting knowledge, Alvin's was preferably filled with skateboard tricks and comic fandoms. Simon saw logical ways and explanations, Alvin's ideas ended in chaos. Simon thought before proceeding actions, Alvin left either a drop or a bucketful of disaster in half of his speeches. Simon had the shot with Brittany, Alvin was shunted to the side - left with a pile of girls that he now realised he didn't want. It was all his fault.

But he couldn't imagine Brittany and Simon together. It just..made no sense. Anyway, he didn't even know for sure they were a couple. 

But it was the most likely true, based off what he had just heard.

What other explanation was there? He couldn't consult to Simon - he wouldn't be able to handle it. Theodore was no use.

 "Alvin? Are you in there?" a voice ran out from the other side of the plain white door. A small rattle of the copper doorknob proceeded.

It was Simon.

"Uh- yeah."

"Are you alright?" Simon asked as soon as he opened the door. His elder brother was taking in his expression.Alvin forcefully twisted his face into a casual look.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Everything's fine. Nothing happened- yeah, absolutely fine." Alvin snapped.

But it wasn't; his heart was breaking.

* * *
It was around midnight, and Alvin was laying on his bed, supposed to be asleep.But how was he supposed to sleep?!

He felt.. different. He was bursting to the brim with questions.

Why didn't he try his shot with Brittany earlier? Maybe this was why Simon valued time so much -  you would never know what fate was about to slam in your face, and you had to accept it regardless.

He was just going to have to accept it.

* * *

Things were going well for the oldest Seville brother. At the rate he was working at, the time machine would be fixed in approximately 4 and a half hours.

On the other hand, the red-clad was miserable. Half the time, Brittany casted Simon meaningful looks, which Simon nervously returned. He was getting more sure by every minute that they were together. He hated it so much. He couldn't take it anymore.

He needed a plan.

Unfortunately, his brain was refusing to function properly. Not the way when you were eventually face-to-face with your maths homework and you could thing of more that 101 things to do instead. But the way when your heart hurt so much that you couldn't think straight. The only thing you could think about was the reason why your heart hurts, why there's a pit in your stomach, why fate and future is so cruel.

Alvin miserably thought of every reason why him and Brittany were a match. Their personality, their close choice of colour, their interests, even that damned Mystery Mates test, or whatever it was.

He thought back to that time with the soulmate test, Brittany had run out of SurelyStrawberry lipstick (as she had complained the whole way to school) and was sporting a dark red flavour instead. Hell, Brittany could try a potato sack instead and Alvin would still be whipped for her. He sighed, that test-

The results. Alvin and Brittany, Mystic Mates. The test wasn't a scam. It had truly worked. He had taken the test in the middle of Simon taking it, and Simon never finished his test..

Realisation hit him, pushing against his brain - contaminating it - forcing him to severely dwell on the matter.

So what if he got Simon to do the test to prove that Brittany wasn't his soulmate?

Alvin decided to actually think this one through, but he couldn't see properly through his sudden excitement and enthusiasm. How could it go wrong? He could fish through the shops for the papers, find an ideal time to make Simon complete it - preferably around Brittany, and then they'd realise what a mistake it was to get together and Alvin would welcome her with open arms. Almost, anyway. But he wasn't going to do it in the past, he had done enough meddling around for now, that was for sure.

Alvin went over to Simon's lab, deciding to start sewing together the pieces of the plan. He wouldn't go unprepared this time. Nope, Alvin Seville was deciding to use his braincells, Considering the possibility he actually had any.

"Hey Simon! Open up! It's me!" he called.

"Why hello there, me." Simon's voice was stifled by the lab doors.

"Very funny. It's me, Alvin."

"As expected."

The door opened, the wall rising up into the area above, revealing the lab.

"So when will the machine be fixed?" Alvin hastily asked.

"In about half an hour, then we can finally go back to our time zone." Simon replied, raising a suspicious eyebrow at Alvin's snappy manner.

"Great!" said Alvin, not taking notice of his brothers observance. The light of his new plan had blinded him, badly.

* * *

The machine looked as good as new, standing out from those that had been carefully squashed up to the side to make space for this new essential.

Simon was ecstatic, looking at his machine with his face shining. His mood was seemingly infectious, and seeped into Alvin, causing him to feel extremely proud of his genius brother. He would have anyway felt proud even if Simon's mood was foul. This was incredible!

"Simon, do you know how awesome this is? You've just proved time travel beyond all doubt!" Alvin exclaimed.

Simon's smile widened.

"Hop in, let's enjoy this."

Alvin entered the machine after his brother, and watched him enter some weird numbers with decimals. Simon had tried explaining these were called longtude or what ever, but Alvin had more important things on his mind than geography.

"And.. 3..2..1."

Simon pressed the 'confirm' button.

The experience - however impressive - was a lot less than enjoyable. The light pained his eyes, his ears heated up, he felt a jerk in his stomach, his head squeezed unpleasantly, and before he knew it, he felt the cold, hard surface of the floor seep through his jeans and swallow up the warmth of his skin.

Finally, they were back. He let the relief wash over him.

 Now Alvin could start putting his plan into action.

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