Choni - Dreams

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Request from @Jahazara

Cheryl POV:

"You like that you little slut? You like my dick pounding into you?"

I was moaning so loudly as my face was pushed into the pillow. Toni was fucking me so good and I was so close...

I woke up with a start, breathing heavily, and immediately looked around my surroundings. My red-filled bedroom. I reached over from the middle of my queen-sized bed to my nightstand to retrieve my phone. I checked the time; 7:13 am.

Good, I didn't oversleep for school.

On the other hand, I had a new problem. Starting a few nights ago, I started having consistent dreams of Toni Topaz, the new badass, intersex girl fucking me.

It was strange, I had barely spoken to the serpent in school, but she lived in my head rent free from the moment I had seen her walk through those big double metal doors.

I dressed to impress as usual, and put on my signature makeup complete with my bold, red lipstick.

Perhaps I could catch Toni's eye and make her fall for me, because Cheryl Blossom never had crushes on anyone. Crushes showed signs of weakness, and I was not weak.

I made my way downstairs, grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen, then hopped into my car with my backpack.

I drove the fifteen minutes to school and got out in the school parking lot, all eyes on me at eight in the morning.

Nothing I wasn't used to. I scanned the school stairs for any glimpse of my favorite serpent, but she wasn't in her usual spot with her little gang.

Well, there was always other times I could see her, such as lunchtime.

I went through three grueling hours of my morning classes, then finally it was time to go to the cafeteria.

I sat down at my usual table with Betty, Veronica, Archie, Jughead, Kevin, Josie, and Reggie. As much as I despised most of them, they were honestly the only people in the school who would stand my bitchiness and had become my friends despite all of our different personalities.

None of them knew about my lusting love for Toni Topaz, but I had come out to Betty and Kevin a few months prior as lesbian.

While the others ate and started chatting, my eyes roamed the lunchroom.

There she was. Looking stunning as usual, Toni was holding a tray stacked with food, next to those two boys that stuck to her like glue.

Maybe I couldn't interact with her well in a crowded room like this, but later...

I straightened my posture and ruffled my hair a bit, looking as presentable as possible as her and the other serpents walked by. I made eye contact with the brunette, and gave a small smile. She winked at me.

God. I was all flustered now, and someone was bound to notice the cause of it. Not a second later did my thought become a reality.

"Cheryl, why are you blushing?" The sheriff's son who was sitting beside me asked with curiosity in his tone.

"I- I'm not," I snapped and crossed my arms.

"It's just hot in here. Isn't it hot, Betty?" The blonde sitting across from us switched her attention from that hobo she calls her boyfriend, to me and Kevin.

"Uh, not really, why? Wait- Cheryl- are you blushing??" My cousins attention was peaked now, and I groaned in frustration.

"N-no, why would I blush?" I rolled my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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