Trump and Light wen t out into the midmroning glow of France, leaving everyoone else behind. Light oculdn't believe what was happeneidn, he was alone with TTrump with no one around toe bother them. He wonderwd where turmp would take them firs.t He snuck a sideways clance at Trump to see if he could catch any glimmer oof emotion on his face as to determine his exact thought process. Trump;s ees were lookinga al around the, veyr unsure of where they were going. Turns out they were lost two stpes away from the hote. BUt it was okay, becuase they had each othe. Light was found as long as he was with Trump- he felt like he fnaly found osmeone who he could fall in live with and starte a family with....
Light was daydreaming while Trump continued to get them mroe and more lost within the labrinth of Paris. Sakuya surveryed over his dominion of the dinning hall. The rest of the boys filed otu, sometimes in groups, soemtmes along. But Sakuya remained. He remained steadfasat in oevrlockng the breakfast. Where lesser men abandoned their psots, Sakuya was etnernal. There was no way to kill him, for he was Sakuya the immortal. However, he was not born a god, but rathe rhe was made one. He was granted immortality by a creator diety and was bestowed a gift to wrap reality as he deemed fit. It came at a price, but what price?? It is a question of the enons.
After hsi breif trasncendence, Sakuya got off his table and went ot get sunway.
Trump and Lightw ere utterly lost and the oamance of it all was starting to wear them down.
"where in the GODDAMN F U C K are we!!!" Light said in rage as he pucnehd an innocent wall.
"The Bible saaaays," Jesus said as he appeared out of no where, "thou shart not use GOds name in vanen" Light and Trump looked at Jesus and then at easch other. Not only wehre they lost but they were lost with Bbibl eBoy.
"Wll do you know the way back??" Turmp aseked quietly as Jesu s went to the innocent wall and started ot try to rub off some grafitify that said "swear word'.
"No i just appear whenevr people are disobeying the BIble," Jesus said mater of factly. SO this was a dead end. At this point they may never get back. It wouldnt be too bad but now Jeus was ehre so there wernt any chance of holding Turmp's hand. Light sat down agais the wall and the wall kicked him.
"Fuck," Light said as he stood back up.
"Youre' suppsoed to say swear wrod. Even the grafiit is better than you are," Jesus childed.
"It s okay LIght oyu can seaar as much as you want, he's not your mom," Trump said as he went ot ostand by Light.
"Well a c t u a l l y I'm the creator deity of choice for amy peope so I probably mad e you r mom." Jesus replie sassily/
"Ew I'm related you," Light said as he absent mindedly took Trump's hand and walk ed away from Jess / It was a moment beorre he noticed wha the did and sropped Trump's hand, blushing significanyl;
"It's okay," Turmp said, "I dont mind..." Trump took Light's hand and togther they started down some random raod.
"THE BUBLE SAID ITS SINFUL TO LOOK AT ANOTHER!!!1!!1!" Jesus said as he ran after thm, but then was sudden;y teleproted out of existenca.
"THat was oddly convenet." Trump said as they turned around to see the cloud of smoke that was formerly Jesus disapate inot the air. Light also turned around but it was kidna awkward becuase they were holding hands. Before them was suddenl the shopping districe of Parid opened before them. Light and Trump's eyes opene in delight as they pulled each other in different directions to check out the myarid of shoops.
Sicne Trump was loaded with cash, they were able to buy everything they wante.d- which was a lot sicne they're both spoiled brats. THey even boaght a small donkey to haul eeveryhting they bohgt back to the hotel. They bought their donkey from a shop called Haul Ass an dit wa just donkeys to rent out when you buy too much.
Liht lead their little donkey Filbet bakc to the hotel, which was now wasy to find becuase Trump also bought a map. They made it back to the hotel just before sunset started. Trump turend to Light and gazed into his eyes.
"Light...." he started.
"Shh,,, you dont have to day anything moe Trump. I love you too" Light said
"No, I meant- well I dont know btu just- I was going to ask you if oyu knew what was for dinner.
LIght's cheeks flished harder thean they every had before. They flushed harder than a super chargerd toilet at taco bell. "ah yes tat- I was oging to say that it is a suprise dish that you would absolute lobe yes!!"
"i mean I'm sorry-' Trump started but was interupted.
"MAKE ROOM FOR JESUS!!!" Jesus said as eh pushed Trump and lIght apart and firmly planted himself between them. Hitoshi-san and Bokutachi-san came walking over to the three of them from the hotel
"Oh he does that with you guys too???" Hito0shian said as Jesus swiveled his heads 180 degress to look at the oncoming coouple.
"He's been following me and my boyyyfriend all over the plaaace," Bokutachi-san said as the last rays of the dying sun shone off his black sunglasses, "we could barely get any peace."
"Wll we better get insdie," Trump said, looking at his new multi-mikllion dolalr wathc, "I would hate to see waht Sakuya would do if we arent back by 8 PM:
The boys ran to wthe doora nd almost trampled each othe r on their eay inside. Skauy a greeting them at the door wiht a smile.
"Why, hello there all," he said behind a thini veil of malice, "I'm quite gld tha tthe five of yu madde it here before 8 PM. it would be such a pity if oyu didnt make it in time." And with that he wlaked off down a dark hallway. Light felt his spine shiver. He walked with the rest of the boys to the dinner hall where tegy had a tasty meal of spghetti and meetballs, which Sakuy a said "is hinting at something spectacular"
Light was tired from his day out with Trump. Would that have been considered a date?? Idd Trump buy his lie aboyt saying I love you>/ LIght's head spun with thoughts as he laid down in his sleeping bag under tha sats. the rest of the class was raosting marhsmellows agian as they talked abot their days, but Light had wnough people for one day. He wanted to fall asleep before he accidentally killed someone.
A Kiss at Sunset [BL Academy Book 1]
FanficLight Yagami and Donald Trump both attend the prestigious all-boys BL Academy. After their fellow classmates arrange a surprise class trip to France over spring break, how will Donald and Light deal with the growing emotions between them? SEMI- HIA...