Ron Weasley x Reader

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You were sat cross-legged on the floor with your best friends, Parvati, Padma and Lavender, giggling at each other's jokes and overall just having a really good time. You loved parties like these, hanging out with your friends like this was the best.

"Ooh Y/N guess who keeps staring at you!" Lavender teased loudly, the rest of your friends erupted into giggles, as did you. Out of the corner of your eye, you looked towards Ron. For ages now, it had been extremely obvious that he had a thing for you, and at least to your friends, it was also extremely obvious that you liked him back. Through the crowd, you spotted the cute redhead and sure enough, he was staring at you. You smiled coyly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, looking back towards your friends. They all teased you loudly, chanting like children. Your face went completely red like the Weasley boy in questions hair.

"Roll up, roll up, boys come put your names in the hat for seven minutes in heaven!" shouted Fred and George in unison. You saw as Harry immediately shoved Ron forward to put his name in the hat. Lavender saw where you were looking and pointed out that Harry had gestured toward you when convincing Ron to put his name in. Parvati smirked at you two knowingly and, after a brief whisper discussion with Padma, turned to you and Lavender. Lavender had a tight grip on your hand and was trying to pull you towards the game with the biggest puppy dog look on her face. You wanted to play too but you were having a bit of fun messing with her. She finally yanked you up and you practically fell into her, causing you both to erupt with laughter once more. Parvati and Padma shook their heads at you two.

"Me and Padma don't wanna play but... go get your boys tigers!" Parvati growled jokingly. You and Lavender growled back at them playfully, throwing up your 'claws'. With one last hoot of laughter, you and Lavender headed into the forming group of girls around the twins. Lavender kept nudging you, giggling and pointing towards Ron as subtly as possible. He was eyeing you in your party outfit and was obviously was appreciating it. You realised how much skin you were showing and became very conscious of it. Lavender saw you blushing and covering yourself up a little. She slung an arm around you and squeezed your shoulders comfortingly.

"Which lucky lady wants to go first huh?" Fred asked as George waved the hat full of names in front of all the girls' faces. "Y/N, what about you?" he suggested, raising his brows. A loud supportive whoop from Padma and Parvati over on their sofa and a nudge from Lavender was all the encouragement you needed. You grinned and stuck your hand forward into the hat. You dug around for a while and people began eagerly chanting your name over and over. When you finally pulled out a slip of paper you weren't even given time to read it. Fred seized the slip from your hand and George started pushing you toward the broom closet.

"Hope you're not claustrophobic love," George chuckled and pushed you into the cupboard. "Your lucky man will be here any second just wait," he winked, shut the door and you heard him walk away. You stood awkwardly in the darkness, there wasn't much to do alone in such a small space. You heard some frantic mumbling approaching you. That's probably your guy then, you thought to yourself, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself. Before you could even process what had happened, the door was thrown open, someone was shoved in and as quick as that the door was shut and locked. "Seven minutes start now!" George shouted at you and whoever was currently pinning you to the wall. Your partner awkwardly shifted off of you and mumbled an apology, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You looked up and made eye contact with none other than Ronald Weasley. You broke out into a smile.

"Hi, Ron," you whispered, conscious of the small space and not wanting to be too loud.

"Hi, Y/N," Ron mumbled back, he sounded sad. You cocked your head in confusion. "Look, I-," he sighed. "I'm sorry you're stuck in here with me, I bet you would have rather had someone like Harry or Oliver," he stared down at his hands, drained of any confidence he might have ever had.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" you questioned indignantly.

"I mean, someone like you, you're so beautiful and any guy would just about cut off a limb to be in here right now, but you're stuck with me instead," he rambled. You just stood quietly, not entirely knowing what to say, you just shook your head. It was silent for a while and it became too much for Ron to take, he started rambling again. "I mean, I've had a massive crush on you since the first year but I mean, I know you're way out of my league and you would never like me but-" you cut him off.

"What are you? Thick?" you asked exasperatedly, staring up at him. He looked confused. He opened his mouth to question you but you had reached your limit. You grabbed his tie and yanked him down (as he was much taller than you), effectively smashing your lips together. You started kissing him slowly and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He was completely frozen for a moment but quickly responded into the tender kiss and slinked his arms around your waist. It was sort of obvious that this was his first kiss but despite that he was a very good kisser, a natural if you will. The kiss was loving and gentle. You had to be on your toes to reach him so he gently picked you up and carefully guided you to wrap your legs around his hips. You shifted around a bit to get yourself comfortable and on the right level, the friction was a very new sensation and Ron let out a small moan. You giggled a little into the kiss and then pulled away. Ron was bright red and struggling to catch his breath but smiling at you like a complete idiot. "I like you too," you smiled, pecking his lips again.

"I must be the luckiest man alive," he chuckled, leaning in and capturing your lips in another kiss. You kept kissing like this until the time ran out. The door flew open and you almost fell to the ground, luckily Ron held you tight enough so you didn't fall and gently set you down. You blushed furiously as Fred and George just stared at you in disbelief. They blinked slowly, turned to look at each other and turned back to stare at you two. The silence was suffocating so Ron cleared his throat and slid his arm around your waist. "If you don't mind boys, me and my girlfriend-" he cut himself off and looked to you for approval. You smiled and nodded, he couldn't help but grin. "Me and my girlfriend will be heading back to the party now," he announced proudly, practically puffing out his chest.

"Before you go, who initiated?" George asked desperately. Fred nodded and looked towards you questioningly. Ron blushed a little.

"Y/N did," he mumbled. They both let out a grandiose sigh.

"Damn it, Ron, now we owe Lavender 2 galleons," Fred groaned. You giggled, wondering why you weren't surprised that Lavender had made a bet with the twins over this. Ron slid his arm from around your waist and took your hand in his. The two of you walked back into the party and were immediately met with whoops and cheers from Lavender, Padma and Parvati.

"Yes Y/N!" Padma hollered. You went bright red and carefully picked your way over to their sofa, Ron was following right behind you and receiving death stares from practically every guy in the room. You made your way to their sofa, they all gushed loudly and asked an onslaught of questions about what happened in the broom closet. You noticed there was a space between Harry and Parvati so you gestured for Ron to sit down. He smiled and sat, pulling you gently to sit on his lap. You gave him a peck before you both split into your own conversations, him with Harry and you with your friends respectively. His arms were wrapped tightly around you and every now and then he'd steal a kiss.

It got really late and the party was finishing up so Ron asked if he could walk you to your room. You agreed and headed off together.

"All the guys in there looked like they wanted to kill me," Ron chuckled as you walked hand in hand through the dark corridors. You shook your head at him but you had to admit that you had noticed it too.

"It's fine though," you smiled. "Because I already have the guy that I want," he chuckled and leaned over to kiss your forehead. You continued walking, laughing and talking about whatever came to mind. You finally reached the Gryffindor common room and he pulled you in.

"Goodnight Y/N," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on your lips. You kissed back, smiling proudly.

"Goodnight Ron," you stared up into his eyes for a moment before pulling away. He squeezed your hand affectionately before you went up to your separate staircases. When you opened your dorm room door, Lavender, Parvati, Padma and Hermione all tackled you excitedly with about a million different questions. It was safe to say you didn't get much sleep that night and your room kept everyone else awake with all your talking and laughing but it was the best night ever.

You decide the rest :D

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