Tom Riddle x Reader

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A/N: We're gonna imagine Tom Riddle was Marauders era for this one ok? I know he's not but please suspend ur disbelief. Also smut warning.

You were sat at the edge of the Black Lake on a warm Saturday when you first felt like you were being watched. You sat there relaxing and minding your business when you felt someone staring. You looked around frantically but you couldn't see anyone. You kept feeling it but all you caught was a flash of a robe walking swiftly towards the castle. That could have been anyone so you figured maybe it was all in your head.

It was a week until you experienced this again. You were sat at your table in the dining hall when you felt like you were being watched again. You looked around and again saw no one staring. You asked your friends if they felt they were being watched and they murmured that they hadn't.

"Maybe it's just some owl or something," Your friend Marlene McKinnon suggested, gesturing slightly to the owls sat up in the rafters of the dining hall. You tried to agree but something felt wrong. You kept frantically looking around. Your friends laughed that you were being way too paranoid.

It happened again just the next day, you were sat in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin and felt the familiar eyes on your back again. Except they weren't familiar since you didn't know who they belonged to. You tried hard to ignore it.

This kept going for the next few weeks, you managed to shut the part of your brain out that was screaming "You're being stared at," quite effectively and you managed to focus for the most part.

Late one night, you went up to the library and sifted through the old books trying to find something interesting to read when the familiar feeling kicked in. You were sure you were alone in here so you whipped your head around and saw Tom Riddle further along the shelf, stroking the spine of a book and looking at you. You wondered if this was just a one off, had he been the one staring at you this whole time.

"What are you looking at?" you scowled uncomfortably. Riddle was known as a loner in school, he was quiet and had an air of darkness around him which made it so he hadn't really made any friends. Oddly, it didn't make him seem pathetic or strange, it just made him mysterious. Part of why he wasn't considered strange was perhaps his looks. He was tall, dark and handsome, he had captivating eyes and strong bone structure. So despite his loner status, a lot of girls wished they could get close to him. Riddle hadn't responded to you, so you just looked around the library awkwardly. You looked at his hands, which were big and lightly veiny and tried to ignore that you found them attractive. The book in his hands was called, "Secrets of the Darkest Art". You shivered reading that title and took a step back. Tom smirked gently at your reaction and spoke for the first time.

"I got special permission to retrieve it from the restricted section," He spoke calmly, looking proudly at the book. "A very interesting read," he added. You nodded slowly. Suddenly, he put the book down and took a couple steps towards you. You could smell his cologne as he was closer to you, he smelled like sandalwood and leather and you swooned inwardly. "Fortis Cicinno," he mumbled and flicked his wand in the direction of the door, before putting his wand in his pocket. You knew a bit of latin and realised his spell translated to 'strong lock' and became a bit uneasy.  He towered above you now and gave you a small smile with something darker hidden behind it.

"Are we alone in here?" you asked quietly, not knowing why. Maybe you hoped you were alone with him or maybe you hoped someone could get you away from him, you weren't sure, you felt so conflicted. He hummed in response, a smirk on his face. That's a yes, you thought. He held your chin gently with his thumb and tilted it up so you met his eyes. He smelled and looked intoxicating and you felt your knees go weak, despite the uneasy feeling in your stomach.

"So beautiful up close," he murmured stroking your cheek. "So perfect, such soft skin," His eyes were taking in every inch of your face carefully. You shut your eyes unconsciously, strangely relishing in his touch. You felt him kneel down and felt his warm breath on your neck. "I've been watching you," he whispered, starting to plant kisses on your neck. "For about a month now you've been all I can think about," He growled, pushing you to sit on the table behind you and starting to suck on your neck. You moaned gently and spread your legs, allowing him to come closer to you and press against your body. His large hands held your waist as he sucked dark hickeys into your neck. "I need you to be all mine," he growled possessively.

"All yours," You moaned breathlessly. You didn't know what you were doing anymore, realistically you should be running for the hills but there was something so intoxicating about Tom, you didn't want him to stop. He kissed his way up your neck and reached your lips. The kiss was oddly hesitant, very unlike him, you kissed back hard, trying to get more from him. He pulled away. You opened your eyes and looked at him confused.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked angrily, running his thumb along your lower lip. You blushed, a bit embarrassed.

"Sirius once, we were playing 7 minutes in heaven in the common room once, it wasn't serious," You assured him, looking away shyly. You could feel his anger pulsing through his body. He pushed you down onto the table behind you hard and pinned you down. He looked furious, his eyes were dark.

"I'll kill him," he spat and ripped off your blouse, you gasped. "No one else gets to touch you ever again, you hear me?" You nodded frantically. He fumbled around quickly and furiously, taking off all your remaining clothes and he undid his own belt, muttering angrily the whole time about how you belonged to him and he should have taken you sooner. You were so intoxicated by him that all you did was lie there, completely naked and keep your legs spread for him. "So wet for me, good girl," he chuckled, teasing your entrance by rubbing himself on you. You nodded, you were soaked almost as soon as he had gotten close to you. His eyes were dark and full of desire as he teased you, making you moan his name needily.

Without any warning, he thrust into you hard. You moaned loudly and lewdly, hoping very much that Tom had put a silencing charm on at some point so that no one outside could hear you. He kept going, thrusting hard and fast, gripping your hips to the point you felt he was leaving indents. The both of you moaned and groaned unapologetically. He lifted you up and pressed your bodies together as he fucked you hard. There was a strange tenderness in the way he held you, and he even stroked your hair.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked breathlessly, somehow going even faster. You moaned loudly.

"Not anymore," you moaned out and dug your nails into his back. He smirked possessively. It wasn't long until you were both cumming hard. You screamed in ecstasy as he laid you down and pulled out to cum. You lay on your back catching your breath for a while. It was silent now in the library other than you both breathing loudly.

You propped yourself up weakly on your arms and looked up at Tom, who was now standing over you again and holding his wand. You smiled at him but he looked back deviously.

"This will hurt," he warned you. Your eyes widened as he pointed his wand at your lower stomach and gasped as a low burning sensation started. It wasn't unbearable but you wondered what it was. When he was finished, he beamed proudly and told you one last time. "You're mine," before flicking his wand. His clothes flew onto him and did up their own buttons. He picked up his book. "I'll be in your dorm tomorrow after breakfast, I'll tell professor you can't make it to class so don't worry about that, just see me there," he told you gently, then he just left, without another word. You looked down and saw his initials carved into you. T M R.

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