Chapter 10

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The boys had gotten through many movies before Niall and Liam fell asleep. Louis came in the door looking tired from his day at work. He was the only one of the alphas who had a regular job. He was a CEO, making much more than Harry, who is a chef, Zayn, whose a model. I realized that I didn't give the boy any jobs. Gotta make money somehow though!

"Where have you been Mate? It's almost 7 o'clock!" Harry asked a tired Louis.

"Working, where else would I have been? The day just ran long considering we have new accounts that we had to add to our systems. I do apologize though because I should have told you all that I was going to be late getting home."

"You're fine mate, but just a warning that Liam is going to want to talk to you like he did with us," Zayn said and Louis looked at the boy questionably.

"About what exactly?"

"Where he stands with each of us, and what exactly each of us did that made him feel like he had to leave," said Harry

"I already know what I did, mostly. I never spoke up when he was being picked on by Zayn, I made him feel like he was less loved than Niall, basically I, along with both of you, forced the poor boy out of our pack, our family. Is that everything love?"

"Prob-" Zayn started but was cut off by Louis.

"Not you Zayn, I'm talking to the omega on your lap pretending to be asleep."

"Dammit, I thought I was being slick." Liam groaned as he sat up. "How did you know that I was awake?"

"I could hear your breathing pick up as I was talking, meaning that you were feeling different types of emotions when I was speaking. So I ask you again, was that everything or was there something else that we needed to talk about?" Louis responded

"No that was it, Lou Lou, work on it and get better so we can be whole again." Liam smiled up at the large male.

"Will do, now come and give me a hug please!" Louis opened up his arms.

"Um no, you've still got outside germs on you. Go take a shower stinky." Liam laughed and waved the boy off.

"Fair enough, but I'll be back for my hug boo." Louis winked as he walked away.

"Great now that's everyone. Jeez, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel relieved that everything is now out in the open." Liam chuckled to himself.

"We are glad that everything is back the way it should be baby," Zayn said to fill the silence in the room. He was rewarded by Liam snuggling further into him. Zayn placed his hand on the omegas stomach and rubbed circles, he unknowingly helped Liam with some of the pregnancy pains he was going through.

"Mmm, that feels good Z."

Suddenly Niall hopped up in excitement, "Liam, oh my gosh, I completely forgot to show you the baby room the boys made while you were gone. It's super big so we can add more spots for your pups cribs."

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Show me!"

The two omegas started towards the baby room. Niall is excited to show Liam and Liam is excited to see it. They get to the room and when the door opens Liam stands in awe as he looks into the room.

In front of him was a big room, that Liam didn't even know they had in the house, painted a beautiful blue on two walls and pink another. It was a cute way for the boys to pick the spots where each of Niall's pups would go after he gave birth.

It was nice that the boys did this for him, but it also made him sad to think that if he had stayed then they probably wouldn't have done the same for Niall because he would have be in the way. But he quickly got over that thought and went back to being in awe of the room.

"Hey, Li I was thinking that we could have my boys on one wall with both of our girls sharing a wall and and then give your boys a wall. That way everyone has enough room"

This made Liam look at the boy puzzled. "How do you know the gender of my babies and I don't even know the gender of my babies?" Liam questioned.

"I don't but I'm a good guesser. I don't even know the sexes of my children but I have a gut feeling that it is going to be two boys and one girl." Niall said confidently making all eyes in the room turn to the small boy.

He just shrugged and continued to show Liam the room. It had diaper stations in two corners of the room, a huge closet, and the bathroom had a little baby bath inside of it that Liam found cute. It was already stocked to the brim with baby food, diapers, and other essentials. Presumably, because Niall, and Liam too, was going to give birth earlier due to him being pregnant with multiples from an Alpha male.

"You guys prepared everything to be ready for the pups to be here aren't you?" Liam asked all the boys. The boys all nodded, Zayn walking up behind Liam to hold him while he admired the room.

"I can't wait to put the stuff for our pups in here. Thank you for giving me a chance to fix this and be a father to our pups." Zayn kissed Liam on the cheek. Liam leaned into the kiss. He knows that he wants to make the boys have to earn their forgiveness but these are his mates, so he wouldn't be able to stay mad at them while they are all living under the same roof.

"Me neither Zayn, I can't wait to have our house filled with all of our kids. I want to be one big happy family with all of you ASAP." Liam turned around to hug the tall alpha. Then he signaled for all of his mates to come in for a group hug with him and Niall in the middle with their alphas holding them for dear life.

It was a sweet moment and nothing was going to ruin it until Niall said seven words that none of the boys were ready to hear.

"Hey guys, I think my water just broke!"

All the boys look at the small blond as he smiles up at each of them.

Another chapter for you guys, I was going to start updating regularly but life hit my like a freight train!

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