Chapter 2

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Later that Night (Liam POV)
He didn't want...them. He didn't want his pack. He didn't want his relationship. He especially didn't want this baby.

We were all sat at the dinner table that night, enjoying the meal of steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans that hardy had cooked. Harry was the best cook out of all of the boys. Niall was digging in, small happy sounds leaving his smiling mouth as he bounced in his seat, chewing his food and effectively making every alpha in the room coo at him.

Zany wipes the blonde's mouth as Louis grabbed him another glass of juice, while was just simply his hand through the soft blondes locks. Another fifteen ministers had gone by and and Niall finished his plate. A sudden frown adorned his pretty pink lips. "I'm still hungry..." he whines softly and all the alphas hearts tug. The need to comfort, protect, and provide for the omega becoming stronger.

Louis looked then proceeded to look at me. I was slowly enjoying my food because I was trying to savor it instead of guzzling it down the same way Niall did. But Louis reaches over with his fork and grabbed my half eaten steak right off of my plate. I was going to protest, but he flashed his red eyes giving me a warning glare. He then gingerly places it onto Niall's plate and cut it into small pieces, just like the adorable little Irish lad likes.

I just sat there shocked, hurt, and feeling betrayed. I quickly stood, my chair making a very unpleasant screech as it slid across the floor before falling. I grabbed my dishes, and angrily emptied it into the trash then threw the dishes into the sink. The the goddess that the plate didn't break. I shoved open the door to the kitchen and stomped up the stairs, muttering words that should never be heard from an omega.

Author POV

Zayn was fuming. His usually black eyes were now red with rage. His alpha was out, claws dean, muscles at full capacity, fangs at full length. Louis held onto his arm trying to calm him, while Harry was siting in his seat shocked at the behavior of the omega. "Zayn, relax. Just give it some time. Let some of your anger simmer down and then we will go talk to him."

"Niall, sweetie, are you okay?" Louis asked the only omega left in the room and the boy nodded stiffly. If he was being honest he was truly afraid for Liam's life. He knew that their alphas would never harm them, outside of punishment, but Liam has been more than bad. Liam has been naughty. Naughty was was no place for an omega.

Dinner finished up quietly, Harry taking over the job of feeding Niall and making sure he took a few swallows of juice between bites. Louis was on dish duty tonight so he got to his job as soon as all the dishes were in the water.

Liam was up in the guest room again, under the bed with a pillow clenched tightly to his chest as he sobbed into it. He didn't know what came over him, the rage took over and the next thing he knew, he was under the bed. The tears stung his eyes, they were more salty than usual and they seemed to be hot. In fact, they felt like a burning hot. His own claws had come out as he was coming up the stairs and it took him ten minutes just to put them back before he accidentally let his wolf out completely. 

He knew that he was most likely in trouble and that his alphas were probably pissed at him. He knew that he would probably be reprimanded harshly, he just didn't know exactly how. It was around 11 pm when Zayn grabbed Liam's leg and dragged him from under the bed, the puppy-eyed omega was half asleep and couldn't even begin to process what was happening. He was forced to stand, made to raise his arms above his head and keep them there.

Ten seconds had passed, his arms already feeling the burn when he was sent flying, a loud smack bounced off the walls as he landed on the floor. He screamed, his cheek burning and throbbing as he cradled it. "Arms over your head!" Zayn alpha voiced him loudly and he hands flew up, his fists clenched as he wailed loudly.

"Stand," Zayn commanded and Liam scurried up, his hands above his head the whole time. "You go stand in the kitchen, nose against the wall. You stay there all night." Zayn growled at the clearly stressed omega, but he ignored the scent of despair and left. Liam knew what to do.

When Zayn left him in the room, Liam fell to his knees again. He was pregnant and he was almost sure that Zayn was the father...well, he hoped that Zayn was the father. Zayn was his mate before they joined this five-way. 

He heard the blonde begin to cry and Harry and Louis almost angrily scolding Zayn as he tried to reach out for Niall. Louis and Harry were upset with Liam too, but they wouldn't have gone in and slapped him. Harry slapped Liam before, too hard, and the omega didn't speak to him for a month. Louis did the same and the omega didn't speak to any of the alphas for a month. They didn't know what Liam would do this time.

Liam quietly packed his clothes, the small amount of them that he had stored in the guest room and he shoved them into a backpack. He couldn't believe that Zayn would slap him, he was pregnant for crying out loud! The raven-haired alpha didn't know that...Liam didn't care.

 He was hurt and he'd have to hide the handprint on his cheek with makeup for the third time in a year and a half. He went over to the window and opened it quietly, tossing his bag out and into a bush. 

Liam was quite athletic, having had been on his middle school and high school's gymnastics teams. He jumped into the tree a few feet from the window and he climbed down, the tears pouring from his eyes.

He grabbed his bag from the bush and ran. He didn't have any family, he didn't have any friends, and he didn't want to get fired from his job for hygiene issues. He ran down the streets, onto back roads and into the forest on the outskirts of the town. He'd packed two blankets and scent neutralizers, along with his small taser. 

He sat under a tree and pulled out both blankets, wrapping one around him and balling the other one up into a makeshift pillow. It was a cold, cruel winter and the winds lashed against his face, freezing his nose. He laid there, rolled up in the blanket and wrapped his arm around his stomach as best he could. He wasn't maternal....not fully at least.

A lot of it had to do with the fact that his mates didn't give him the attention and support he needed, so he saw no reason to care for the child that one of them had planted in him. He lay there, shivering and crying his little heart out.

He hated this life, and he hated this child. He knew that he couldn't punish his child for his alpha's mistakes, but he longed to.

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