Chapter 3

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Author POV

The next morning, Liam sat up. He was surprised that he didn't freeze during the night. He looked around, double checking that he was alone and then he began to strip. He went to the nearby river and bathed for a short while then he quickly threw on clean clothes.

He packed up his blankets and dirty clothes then he found his way to the main street. His stomached growled and he sighed. He began his journey for food, looking around at all the fast food places and seeing which one caught his eye. He settled on a Subway and slowly made his way into the establishment.

"Welcome to Subway!" The cashier greeted brightly and Liam smiled lightly at the tall, tanned, dark-haired man, not really paying him much attention.

Liam got in the short line, reading the menu as he stepped forward, he was next in line. Once it was his turn, he smiled at the buzzed cut, blue-eyed, and scruffy bearded man. The man was definitely attractive.

"Hello mate! What can I get started for you?" The man asked, his blue eyes sparkling a bit at the puppy-eyed omega. Liam just giggled at the bright tone of the man and began to name off the ingredients of his sandwich.

The man behind the counter smiled a bit as he wrapped up Liam's finished sandwich. "Nice choice. It's very similar to my favorite." He tells Liam with a soft smile. Liam returned the smile and cocked his head a bit. "Oh yeah?" He asked softly. "What's the difference?" He asked again and the man finished wrapping up the sandwich. "Lots and lots of pickles." He said with a bright smile and Liam made a displeased face, causing the man to laugh a bit amused.

"Aww, you're cute, hey what's your name?" He asked Liam who had laughed a bit himself. Liam pulled out his wallet as his turn to pay was coming up and he made eye contact with the man again. "Liam. And yours?"

The man behind the counter nodded a bit and said. "Liam...I'm Max." He says with a slight quirk of his eyebrow. Liam just smiled at him then turned his attention to the cashier. He all but dropped his wallet and his mouth slowly fell open.

This man was beautiful. The cashier laughs hardily and handed Liam his wallet. Liam flushed pink and slapped his forehead slightly with a giggle.

"It never fails.." Max said with a laugh as he walked to the cashier and leaned against him. Liam was the last customer in the whole establishment so the two employees could take a short break. Liam flushed bright red as he read his total.

He began to pull out the cash. "And this is Siva. My manager and roommate. Siva, Liam. Liam, Siva." Siva smiled a bright, almost blinding smile at the omega and held his hand out. Liam dropped his money onto the counter as he reached for Siva's hand to shake it. He was beyond embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you, Liam. My my my, you're cute." He complimented the puppy-eyed boy and collected the forgotten money. Liam's whole body began to blush. "Thank you..." He whispered as his receipt was printed. "Hey, Liam. Would you like to come and hang out with Siva, the rest of our pack and I? We get off in an hour so you can just stick around and wait for us. If you want, of course." Max offered with an award-winning smile.

Liam found himself nodding eagerly as a huge smile spread on his face. "Great!" Siva exclaims happily as he hands Liam his food and a free drink. Liam thanks them both them makes his way to a table to eat.

An hour later, he's being lead out to Max's car, Siva following behind the two. He climbs into the back as the two men climb in the front and Max starts the car. His radio blasts some old school RnB and Liam thinks that he may have possibly fallen in love.

He sings along to the song and the two alpha's in the front coo at him telling him that he's such a good singer. Liam felt...he felt whole at that point. He knew that the men were alpha's and he knew what an alpha could do to an omega, he just hadn't ever felt it but when he did, he craved more. He sang his heart out, hitting every note and adding his own special flair to the song to give it that Liam aesthetic. The alphas praised him, made him feel warm and fuzzy inside and clapped after each song he completed until they got to their home.

"Here we are!" Max declared as he got out. Siva opened the door for Liam and helped him out. Liam smiled at him as he took his hand, stepping from the car. They lead him into the apartment and a young, pointy-nosed green eyed lad come out of the hall closet next to the door, a war cry leaving his lips as he jumped on Siva. He almost tackled the broad alpha down but he didn't succeed.

"Better luck next time, beta," Siva said with a smile and the small lad punched him. "Fuck you.." He growled then he looked at Liam. "Hey, congrats." He said simply then he walked off, into the kitchen. Max looked at Liam confused.

"Congrats?" He asked Liam and the omega nodded. "I'm umm...i'm two months pregnant.." He said with a sigh. It was much harder to say it out loud than it was to think about it. Both alphas were shocked. They couldn't smell it on him until now.

"Oh my goodness...we should get you home to your pack. We really didn't know that you were pregnant. We wouldn't have been so...forward with you." Siva choked out and suddenly felt dirty. He and Max were hitting on a mated, pregnant omega. Liam shook his head quickly, grabbing onto Siva's arm for dear life. "I want to hang out with you guys...please..." He said softly, almost begging.

Max let out a soft growl and his instinct to protect and coddle the omega became overpowering. He wrapped one arm around Liam and stopped himself from scenting the boy. "You can stay sweetie. You can stay." Max tells him and Liam smiles softly.

2 months later

Liam stayed for two months and had the most fun with this pack. He loved them all and it also excited him that he was the only omega. All attention was on him and he reveled in it. Max was in the middle of making him lunch.

He had his phone off the past two days and he missed his Instagram. He turned it on and the messages flooded in. 200 missed calls, 800, messages, and 100 voicemails.

His heart sunk and Siva, who was sitting beside him, coddled him. He pulled the omega against his side and wrapped his arm around the boy tightly. "Everything okay Li?" He asks as Max sits on his other side, pulling Liam's legs onto his lap and gently massaging his shins and calves. Liam just nodded and read a few messages, slowly shocked at what he was reading

Harry was threatening him and his place in the pack. Zayn made promises of tear-jerking punishments and Louis was just disappointed. Niall was begging him to come home, begging him to apologize to their alpha's for forgiveness, and apologizing to Liam because he knew what drew Liam away.

He knew that he was hogging all of the attention, he always has, but he didn't think of Liam as less than himself and he was so upset that he drew Liam away. Liam turned his phone off and cuddled into the two alphas. It was to little too late for them now. 'Fuck them' is what he thought to himself.

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