Chapter 5

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The Next Morning

Author POV

Liam woke up around 10 o'clock the next morning he could smell the remnant of breakfast but it was obvious that it was over because he could also hear the tv on in the next room. I got out of bed and walked into the living room and as soon as the boys saw me they turned the tv off and set the remote down.

"Well, you kept me here so we could talk so let's talk," Liam said as he plopped down onto the couch across from the boys.

As expected Louis, the kindest of the tree alphas spoke first. "Liam even though the child isn't mine I till want you to keep it. I don't think that you should abort it. That is a life that you have growing inside of you and I feel as though even though the child was conceived under less than ideal circumstances, it should still be given a chance at life." When Louis spoke everyone in the room knew that he was speaking the truth and that he meant every word that he had said.

"I know that. I would never actually punish this unborn child. That was honestly just an empty threat. Just because the father was nothing but cruel to me doesn't mean that It doesn't deserve a chance at a happier life than the one I had. I want it to have a better life than me."

"Does that mean that you might give us a second chance," Louis asked with hope in his eyes."Unfortunately I have no intention of giving any of you another chance to make me happy but out of all three of you, it would probably be you with the highest possibility of getting a second chance," Liam said to Louis.

"Thank you, Liam. That means more than you could ever know." After Louis said what he needed to say he walked off and went upstairs.

Harry stood up, and Liam had assumed e was going to speak next. "Liam I am going to be completely honest because after all that has been going on this is what you deserve. I am beating myself up over the fact that we, as alphas, actually ignored you and failed to treasure you and treat you the way we treated Niall."

"I know that you already aid that you have no intention on forgiving any of us, but I'm begging you at the very least will you please stay in our lives so that whichever of us is the father can stay in the pup or pups life."

"Harry I accept your apology and I a touched that even though you don't know if your the father or not, you are still willing to be in the pup's life. I'll let you know who the father is right now though so you don't get you hopes about being a dad. Zayn is the father of my pup. He was pretty much the only one out of the three of you to ever have sex with me more than once or twice."

When Liam said that Zayn perked up and looked at Liam with such a mix of emotions that no one else in the room could tell what he was feeling.

"Alrighty then well that was all I had to say," and now Harry was one upstairs presumably to join Louis.

Niall turned his little pregnant body towards Liam so that he could speak next. "Liam I am sorry for everything. I didn't even realize that I was taking all the attention of our alphas and causing them to end up treating you badly. I look back now and I realize just how much trouble I caused you just by wanting attention. Look I know that I am probably the last person to be requesting things from you, but I would like you and me to have a day for us and our kids at least once a week. No alphas just the two of us and our kids."

"Niall I accept your apology but as I told you last night, it is not your fault for taking attention because you were just acting as an omega should. It was our, or should I say your, alphas that should've realized what they were doing and changed their actions. And yes I would love the idea of us just hanging out so you've got yourself a deal."

"Okay then its a plan," Niall said chuckling and walking upstairs to join Louis and Harry.

"And last but certainly not the least I'm left with you Zayn. Let's just go ahead and get this started," Liam said already with some slight annoyance in his voice.

"Fine. I'll start with I don't appreciate you just up and leaving and not talking to anyone first. How immature is that? That isn't how mates act towards each other Liam. Since you didn't say anything I never assumed I did anything wrong," Zayn said with a shrug.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now Zayn?! "How dare you say that after me being gone for all these months and coming back obviously pregnant, and you have not once said you missed me, apologized like the others, or even said anything about us trying to fix this. You want to tell me how mates are supposed to act well let me tell you something. Mates don't call each other worthless or a waste of space, mates treat each other as equals, and mates especially NEVER hit their pregnant mate!!! You've done each of those things a numerous amount of times, and not once have you said even once that you're sorry to me!"

"This says to me that you don't love me. I was just your only option so you decided to mate with me. When I have this child just know that when the other boys and I are making up and starting to reconnect our family, YOU will have no part in it. Because if you come anywhere near me or my child after it is born you will rue the day you ever met me."

Zayn sat in his seat stunned. He wasn't expecting Liam to just have an outburst like that. Only after Liam went bak into the guestroom and slammed it shut locking it behind him did he realize what a terrible person, mate, and father he has been.

"I have to find a way to fix this," Zayn said to himself.

Can Zayn fix this. Also how many kids do y'all want Liam to have. Niall is already pregnat with triplets, but I don't know how many I want Liam to have.

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