Keep me guessin' Keep me guessin'

248 12 8

warning:  (idk how to explain it but its The Boys™)

Lucas & Kun

"He was basically fucking devasted, I don't even think he remembered anything" Lucas said to the boy who sat in front of him, coffee in hand.

"Well, do you?" Kun asked the younger, a little bit of jealousy on his voice.

"Are you jealous? Cute" The taller said smiling at Kun who just blushed.

"You didn't answer my question" He said in hopes to change the conversation.

"We kissed, that's all" The taller replied, it's not like he remembered much, but he didn't really want to remember either, yes everyone basically wanted to be with Doyoung, the boy is pretty, but Lucas wasn't everyone, and then he started talking to Kun recently, he doesn't feel like he wants anyone else.


Lucas shrugged off that memory, that could be anything, he told himself.

"You know I keep having this feeling that something else happened that night and I just can't shake it off" Lucas said shivering at the thought.

"Lets take a walk, it'll probably clear up your mind" The taller one nodded, standing up from his seat and stretching his arm towards the older for him to hold his hand.

"What a gentleman" Kun said smiling, taking Lucas's hand to help himself stand up.


"Do you wanna head back to my place? I think Sicheng is home but I bought this new movie, maybe we could watch it together" Kun asks the taller hopeful.

He knew Lucas was the type to sleep around, anyone in that house probably was, and he didn't know if he was being too naive but he felt like he was different for Lucas.

"Sure, I'd love to watch a movie, we should probably stop over there and buy some snacks then, huh?" Lucas said pointing to a shop ahead of them.

"Yesss" Kun pulled the taller by the arm forcing him to hurry up.


"The total will be $15.69" The cashier said, making Lucas laugh and Kun playfully scoff.

"Dont be so immature" He laughed out, pulling his card to pay.

"No! you treated me to the movie I'll take care of the snacks" Lucas said taking the card from Kun's hand and placing it in his pocket, making it almost impossible to get it back.

"Here" The taller gave the cashier his card instead.

"Thank you, have a nice day"


"Y'know Kun-ge? You're really small" Lucas said, making Kun look at him in confusion, where did this come from?

"Like, I could probably pick you up and throw you" Kun laughed, what the hell was he on?

"Lucas, that's a really random thought to have, especially right now when we're like... surrounded by water" The older said pointing a little further away to where the boats were stationed.

"I- I dont wanna murder you, if thats what you're implying" Kun laughed harder.

"You stuttered! You wanna murder me!" The older said, starting to run towards his and Sicheng's apartment which wasn't far away.

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