Behind the scenes + new projects

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Hii, it's the author here!

So I just wanted to add an extra chapter to kinda explain the story behind this fanfiction.

Basically, the idea came to my head while watching the iconic nct fratboy line video and I was like I'm glad Doyoubg would never (he betrayed me with that one insta pic... yall know which one I'm talking about)

Anyways I thought, how funny would it be if they liked Doyoung and Doyoungs sassy ass was like ew no fratboys, and then BOOM, the general idea for this came to be BUUUT...

I knew I wanted an endgame couple, I just didn't know who since my fave Doyoung ship is Dotae and well... he wasn't part of the line... and well, I sent my non nctzen friends and sister pictures of the fratboy line and told them to choose.

One chose Mark and the other chose Jaehyun, but the one who chose Mark said something big should happen between Doyoung and Jaehyun and then he ends up with Mark (so lowkey blame her for Jaehyuns character lmaoo)

Anyway... while I was writing the first chapters I realized how attached I was to Johnny's character and storyline so I was like... self indulgent I'm gonna make him end up with Johnny instead... and went back and edited some stuff... but then... I realized Hey! I can write a poly ship (even though I had never written any fanfiction and therefore should've started easy lol)

so yeah that's how I picked the pairing (Though I ended up a bit attached to Yuta too and broke my own heart rip)

That's it for the storytime! Kinda feels anticlimactic after writing it down lol

Now to begin with NEW STORY IDEAS

(all of this stories will be published eventually but comment which one you'd like to see fist)

1. Highway to heaven: Dotae, LEGAL age-gap, it's not angsty at all, mostly smut... i swear literally... almost every chapter.

Basically 18 year old hypersexual Doyoung tricks his lonely moms boss into sleeping with him telling him he's older and now he blackmails CEO Taeyong into hanging out with his mom. (it's lowkey pure)

Doyoungs a bad bitch power bottom here lol.

2. Limitless: Doyu, contrary to highway to heaven, it's angst central but still has smut since its a friends with benefits AU, basically has even my favorite to write so far, chapters are waaaaaay longer.

Doyoung has barely felt love for others, so when he does, he holds onto it too tightly.

After Yutas broken past, he believes he's not capable of loving again.

Like any normal teenagers, they meet in high-school. Unlike any normal teenager though, they go through too much and decide sex with eachothed is the only way to cope.

It's actually a bit lighter than it sounds, there is a few minor character deaths but idk though it tackles heavy topics like being homeless, eating disorders, panic attacks, drugs and homophobia, it doesn't really hold a dark aura.

3. [still no name]: Jaedo, fluff, I had to write Jaedo fluff after this story lol, hybrid AU!

Police officer Jung Jaehyun is given the task of taking care of a lost bunny hybrid while they look for his owner. He finds out bunnies are really hard to take care off.

it's super pure istg, I'm not really into all that overly innocent trope but I couldn't help myself so yes... doyoung is a bit innocent in this.

4. Back 2 U: Jaedo (again cause I'm really sorry for what I did here) A/B/O, Taeyong is Doyoungs ex mate.

Alpha Jaehyun meets Omega dad Doyoung after basically saving toddler Jeno from traffic. Though Doyoung IS a single omega, his ex mate brings them a lot more trouble than Jaehyun originally thought.

Basically crack, doten besties is back!

5. Take off: Kunwin, look a story not about Doyoung lol, another ABO fic

Kun had always thought he was a beta, scientifically speaking, he was supposed to be, and personality wise (based on the fact he was WayVs leader) he should've been born an Alpha, but he settled well as a beta... so why the hell... after 22 years... is he presenting as an omega?

Is mostly fluff but it gets angsty at times, not too much though.

Now for stories that I've started but don't feel motivated to finish unless yall want them:

1. Pandora's Box: Doyu, they have powers, kinda started really motivated with it but then fell in love with Limitless so I pushed it off and now idk what to do with it lol, Kingdom AU

Yuta (as the king) knew that to save the fire kingdom he had to marry one of the sons of the water kingdom. What he didn't expect tho, was the boy to be the soul Yuta hated the most.

enemies to lovers, Yuta only hates him due to a misunderstanding and you know that from the first chapter so you spend the rest screaming at Yuta because of his rude comments. Don't worry though Doyoung is just as rude back lol

2. Boss: Dowoo, an idea I had because most people see Jungwoo as cute and pure and innocent and I beg to differ, I think he's cute yes, but he's also really fierce so... gang AU... smut... a lot of it...

Rookie Police officer Doyoung goes undercover to work for a very prestigious gang... the work he's given by the leader Jungwoo... isn't what he expected though, not that his sexually frustrated ass minds though.

He basically becomes their toy, but Jungwoo takes a liking to him, I started writing this when Dowoo was my favorite ship hence why I lost a bit of motivation when I changed to Dotae, honestly the concept was really bad ass and you saw Doyoung go from awkward to a bad bicth, but I also don't wanna glorify gangs or anything so idk about this one yet.

3. Baby don't like it: Jaedo / Dotae, based on the song Ella y yo by Don Omar y Aventura lol, there's cheating involved of course, it doesn't focus on ships much but more on Jaehyuns and Taeyongs friendship that is kinda broken by the appearance of Doyoung in their lives, it goes back and forward in time.

Taeyong decides he'll never understand Doyoung, how he loves, how he feels, Doyoung is an enigma. Jaehyun knows he shouldn't lay with his best friend's boyfriend, it's wrong, but why does it feel so right.

I lowkey hate Jaedo here lol, Taeyong deserves better, Jaehyun pitties himself too much, Doyoung is just really confused.

4. Light Bulb: Dotae, the only fic that's actually based on the song lol, have to re write it because I don't like a lot of stuff from it, this fic walked so Limitless could run, no really Limitless is all I wanted this fic to be but I didn't know how to and now I don't have any motivation to fix the parts I don't like lol, it has a one-shot prequel that I love and that's why I haven't discarded this story lol, it's angsty.

Johnny and Taeyong make a bet on who can sleep with college's token slut Kim Doyoung first. After Taeyong wins the bet he realizes nothing everyone says about Doyoung is right, so why does Doyoung keep letting people spread rumors?

Taeyong thinks he's straight in this lol, poor Bubu, Doyoung is tired, Dokun besties!

I think that's it... lol that's quite a lot of fics right? so please help me out by choosing one and commenting, I'd appreciate it! Love yall, bye!!

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