Day 6: Jaehyun

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Jaedo really has no business looking this good together BRUH

trigger warning: sexual assault (the sexual assault tag isn't exactly accurate it's more like person A consents but regrets it as soon as it starts and then doesn't really think he can stop it. While it is implied that person B could tell that person A didn't want it, this isn't the case, person B is very dumb and it'll be addressed in the future) and panic attacks


"Hey bubs, why are you calling so early?" Doyoung heard the older croak out, he probably woke him up with his call.

"I'm not going to class today, just wanted to let you know" Taeyong sat up straight on his bed, waking the smaller boy besides him.

"Put him in speaker" Ten said softly, somehow sensing it was his best friend on the line.

"Mm, why not? are you okay?"

"Yes, just have to meet up with Jaehyun" Doyoung squeezed his eyes shot, he knew what kind of reaction this might provoque.

"ARE YOU DUMB?" He heard Ten say.

"Look I know how it looks like, but the other day I had this flashback and- and well it had to do with Jaehyun, I just need to do this okay? I'm sorry" He said apologetically.

"Its ok bubs just, be careful okay? call us if anything, doesn't matter if we're in  class we'll pick up ok" Doyoung nodded, and even thought Taeyong couldn't see him, he knew he had.

"Take care baby" He heard Ten say.

"Will do, love you" Doyoung hung up the phone, it was 6:30am, he was supposed to meet Jaehyun around 8, but he couldn't go back to sleep so he went into the kitchen to get coffee.

"Oh! you're up early" Taeil said, he was washing some dished, Doyoung assumed he was about to start making breakfast, he thought about how he'd never actually seen the older through the whole process.

"Can I watch?" Doyoug said softly, Taeil noticed his uneasiness.

"Is something bothering you Dodo?" The younger shook his head no, and even tho the older didn't believe him he decided not to push further.

Before he knew it the clock hit 7:30, making the alarms in the house go off.

"Don't you have class today hyung?" Haechan said walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah" The taller said, he wasnt gonna tell them where he was going, didn't wanna worry them like he did with his best friends.


"So what's your plan Jaehyun?" Doyoung said holding himself, it was starting to get cold, 'someone should turn the heater on' he thought, then he realized how empty the house was other than him and Jaehyun, 'The guys must be in class right now

"Relax Doyoung, you just got here, do you want anything to eat? drink?" Jaehyun said making his way to their kitchen, Doyoung trailing behind.

"No thank you, I only came here for one thing and if you can't help me with that then im leaving" The older said, not making a move to leave though.

"I miss you hyung" Jaehyun said pouring himself a cup of water.

"You shouldn't have cheated on me and then lied to me about it" The older scoffed.

"You're not upset about the cheating and you know it, you cheated too"

"You're right, I'm upset about the lying, the manipulating" Doyoung said, getting madder and madder each time. Jaehyun chuckled.

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