Mridula: Princess of Dwaraka

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Slowly waking up she initially thought what had happened was a dream, but as soon as she opened her eyes everything around her was different. She was no longer sleeping on her tiny bed, but a humongous bed that could fit two more people.  A pink colored net canopy was surrounding her bed. As she pulled it back a little. Her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. The bed room she was sleeping in was the size of her whole house. With marvelous carving on the doors and ceilings.  Arya jumped out of her bed to explore every inch of the new place. As she stood up she looked down and noticed that she was no longer in her favorite teddy bear printed pajamas. Arya walked up to the mirror to see a beautiful yellow lehenga that was made of the softest material. The choli was embroidered with small peacock designs. She took a spin feeling simple and beautiful for the first time.
Arya inspected every inch of the room with the same excitement a kid has in a candy store. The room was with marble flooring and the walls were made out of a a beautiful pink  stone with detailed carvings of peacocks and elephants. The celling was a doom shaped and was extremely high with beautiful designs as well. She ran to see the most beautiful balcony ever that was over seeing a small garden. Running down the side stairs she rain down into the garden that was spacious and had lots of plain land great for running around.

She ran back upstairs into her room to see what else there was to do. As she was looking at the room in awe someone entered her room. It was none other that the darling of Vrindavan Krishna.

" Welcome to Dwaraka Princess Mridula!" he greeted walking into the room.

" Princess Mridula? I am in Dwaraka?" She asked puzzled.

" You will be known as Mridula here. As the Princess of Dwaraka."  He explained, but the question machine still had questions.

" How am I the princess of Dwaraka?" She asked with her usual dose of confusion.

" What else will the daughter of my dear brother Balram be?" He asked mimicking her  smiling.

" Wait what! I am the daughter of Lord Balram! Than you are my uncle! OH MY GOD! Krishna is my uncle!" She said jumping up and down while Krishna just smiles nodding.

" But how am I going to even integrate in this world? Won't Lord Balram know that I am not his daughter? Even if he pretends to be my father everyone will know I don't belong s soon as I open my mouth and start speaking some foreign language.Krishna there are too many complication for this to work." Arya blurted ending her tangent of concerns. Krishna smiled a smile that he was quite famous for. It was calming but held a  hint of mischievousness. Like he knew what you felt before you even said it. As if the words rolling out of your mouth were dialogues in a movie that he is watching for the hundredth time. 

" Arya begin by addressing me as Kakashree (Uncle), and now regarding your concerns. There is a lot that you won't understand now, but when the time comes you will know everything. Just know that you are taking the place of Princess Mridula right now. She is hidden somewhere deep and I have sent people to look out for her. Till then you must assume her place and make sure the story continues to run smooth even with her absence without anyone knowing. Regarding the language you shall speak it with the same ease you speak our native language.   Don't worry Mridula everything will be fine. There is no need to fear as long as I am with you." Krishna explained, but doubt still filled in Arya's mind. Before she could say anything else a voice was heard from the door. 

" Rajkumari Mridula Devi your father Lord Balram would like you to meet you along with Lord Krishna." One of the maids in the palace informed. Mridula nodded her head and began walking when Krishna stopped her with his hand on her shoulder.

" You are Rajkumari Mridula not Arya! You don't meet people in your night clothes!" Krishna mumbled under his breath.

" Please call someone to help me get ready for the day." She requested the maid who nodded and left the room. 

" I must take your leave now. I will meet you with your father." Krishna stated looking towards the door. " Don't let all these questions cloud your mind." Krishna warned walking out of the room. As Krishna excited a girl walked in. She looked a little younger than Mridula, by maybe a year or two. A little scrawny and short, but her face was still very child like. 

" Rajkumari, Good Morning!" She smiled with load of energy.

What's her name?  Arya thought filled with tension.

It's Roop Krishna informed though his thoughts.

Thank you Kakashree! She replied taking a sigh of relief.

" Good Morning Roop!" she smiled back at her.

" So Rajkumari what shall we do for today?" Roop asked opening her huge wardrobe shocking Arya  even more.

" Roop please call me Mridula or Jiji. This Rajkumari and all is making me feel old. Also anything you like I would love to wear!" She smiled back again lovingly, shocking Roop.

" Ummmmmm Didi... What about this dress?" Roop asked holding out a beautiful white and teal lengha with a simple dupatta and shawl.

" Thank you Roop! It's beautiful!" Arya exclaimed taking the dress from her.

Within 15 minutes Arya was able to get the beautiful lengha on obviously with Roop's help. Adorning herself with a beautiful yet simple necklace with a small peacock locket, earrings to match her dress, and of course payals. Her hands were embellished with white and blue bangles. Roop braided her hair beautifully and added white jasmines signifying that she was still a maiden.

From this moment onwards I am Mridula. She thought to herself taking a deep breath. 

As Mridula walked out of the room she was awestruck. The visuals around her were even more beautiful than anything she has even seen in books or movies. There were a series of arcs on the left side of the hallway that faced a beautiful garden and fountain. Each arc was carved with intricate designs. Each arc was telling an individual story. One about Krishna's childhood in Vrindavan and another on the killing of Kamsa. Every detail of the story was depicted so beautifully as if the artist saw each story themself.  

" Close your mouth or a fly will go in." She heard her Kakashree tease laughing.

" Very unique and original Kakashree!" Mridula exclaimed sarcastically following Krishna into her dad's room who she never met.As she entered her father's room she saw a man who was maybe in his early to mid-50s. Arya or Mridula lost her father when she was only 7 years old to cancer. Looking at the man in front of her who resembled her Baba so much brought tears to her eyes. Unable to hold back her emotions to ran to the Balram and gave him a tight hug letting go of a lone tear.

" Putri, what happened?" her father asked with worry in his eyes. Mridula smiled back at her father assuring him everything was okay and sat right in between her Kakashree and Pitashree (Father).

" Mridula, I wanted to talk to you about something very important." Balram said looking at his daughter. She nodded as a sign for him to continue.

" I know for a while now you have been wanting to learn the art of warfare."

Kakashree I am going to learn how to use a sword and bow and arrow! Mridula thought with as a glee of excitement joined her eyes!

Pay attention my question asker. Her uncle replied.

" Your mother, uncle, and I don't feel comfortable sending you off to an ashram. We would rather you do your training with someone we trust. Kanha discussed with the King of Hastinapur and they are willing to train you. Are you okay with that?" Balram asked his daughter with utmost love.

Who wouldn't want to be trained by the Pandavas!  Her uncle  just gave her a strange look.

" Of course Pitashree!" She replied smiling.

" Great! I'll talk to Duryodhana and Karna, so you can get started with your training as soon as possible." Balram exclaimed smiling.

Duryodhana?! Mridula thought looking at Krishna shocked and he nodded.

I hope some of you are enjoying this story! It's definitely very different from my usually writing! I read a few stories kind of like this with someone traveling to the Mahabharatam, but I promise this one is different! How do you feel about Arya or Mridula so far? I know you just met her, but let me know what you all think! Any suggestions or comments plus let me know! I love reading your feedback!

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