The Meeting

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Lord Balram and Krishna had to leave soon after dinner. Having both of the strongest men of Dwarka away for too long was not advisable. Plus Krishna didn't want to stay longer than he had to in Hastinapur, while his dear cousins were struggling away from their kingdom.
" Putri, please take care of your self." Her father said with his hand on her head and unshed tears in his eyes. For the world he may be rigid and strong, but the end of the day he was a father. Mridula tightly hugged her father with tears steaming down her face. Balram gently separated from the hug and held his daughter face.
" Oh don't cry my dear! It is all for your good. Learn all the vidyas with your full heart and nothing can stop your success." He encouraged. Mridula nodded and walked in front of her uncle who had his usual gentle smile.
" Wow, so I am about to leave and you don't even feel a tinge of sadness Kakashree?" Mridula asked with her hands crossed over her chest and a frown on her face.
" Why would I feel sadness?" Krishna asked with the same smile on his face which was now beginning to annoy her.
" I don't know?! Because your youngest niece is leaving for a year! I would hope that you would feel a little sad!" Mridula argued to which Krishna just laughed.
" Mridula I should be sad about you leaving me right?" Mridula nodded her head.
" Well I will always be by your side, my question asker. So what is the point of feeling sad?" Krishna replied pulling her in for a hug.
" Don't forget that" He warned patting her head. Mridula wiped her tears smiling as her father and uncle going into the chariot. She waved bye to them, but like Krishna said they will always be with her.
The grand wooden doors to the training room were right in front of her, but there was great difficulty in being able to push those doors and walking in.
As she was about to walk in a someone opened the door from the inside. In front of her stood a man with the radiance of a thousand suns. His bare chest covered with a golden shield and his ears adorned with striking golden earring. Mridula was standing in front of none other than Karna. She was clueless on how to greet him or how to pretend like she barely knew him while knowing his entire life.
"Pranam Angaraj" she greeted folding both her hands as a sign of  respect.
" Pranam Devi! Please don't call me so formally! You father has been so welcoming of me, and your mother is like my sister." Karna explained.
" Well if I can't call you Angaraj, then will you be okay with me calling you Mamashree?" Since you say my mother is like a sister to you. Will you be willing to be my uncle?" Mridula asked meeting Angaraj's eyes. A smile quickly appeared on the King of Anga's face.
" It would be a honor Putri!" Karna exclaimed lovingly placing his hands on his nieces head.
" Karna!" A voice beamed from the end of the hallway. A tall and muscular figure was seen, and as he took steps closer towards the light Mridula could see a man decked up in fine jewelry and wearing a crown signifying he is the King of Hastinapur - Duryodhana
"Pranam Maharaj Duryodhana" Mridula curtly greeted with a thin smile.
" Pranam Putri! No need to be so formal! You are like my daughter as well!" Douryodhana exclaimed. It was evident that he eavesdropped her conversation with Karna.
" I believe it is unwise to refer to a Guru without respect or their title Maharaj." Mridula countered with no twinkle in her eyes or smile.  " As you wish Yadavakumari" Douryodha replied refraining from pushing the matter any father.
" Please be down at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning to start your training. For the rest of the evening you may meet everyone in the palace and get familiar. Dinner will take place in a hour. We all eat together so please be at the table on time." Duryodhana instructed and left before Mridula could say anything.
I knew it! Epitome of evil! Mridula thought rolling her eyes.
After her father left no one even offered to show her around the palace which seemed so odd. In Dwaraka as soon as the guests enter we treat them with outmost respect Mridula remembered when the prince of Ayodhya came while her injury was still recovering.
" Yadvakumari!" A female voice yelled from behind. Mridula turned to see a girl dressed in a bright yellow saree completely decked up in simple but beautiful jewelry. The girl was no more 18 years old just a little older than Mridula. It was odd that she was in a saree. Mridula observed that at Dwaraka women only start wearing sarees when they are married. This girl infront of her however had no signs of being a sreemati (married women). The was no sindoor on the parting of her hair. Her thick black hair was braided and adorned with flowers Mridula never saw before.
" I am Lakshmana daughter of Maharaj Duryodhana and Maharani Bhanumati!" The girl introduced herself while walking towards Mridula and engulfing her in a hug.
" I never get to see girls in the palace let alone my age! Oh boy we will have so much fun Yadvakumari!" She exclaimed with a wide grin and a twinkle in her eyes. Mridula could point out features similar to Duryodhana like her eyes and they way her cheeks form apples when she smiles. It was evident though that Lakshmana's mother has more soft features, because she didn't inherent majority of her fathers sharp features.
" It's a pleasure meeting you Devi!" Mridula replied with enthusiasm, but she was unable to match the high energy Lakshmana held.
" Oh don't call me Devi! It makes me feel old!" Lakshmana whined with a chuckle.
" Hmmm" Mridula pretend be searching for a answer putting her finger on her chin. It was a habit she observed her uncle do throughout the month in Dwarka. Even though he knew what to say he pretend to be confused to " add some drama" as Bhanu would put it.
" I think Jiji would be a good fit! What do you think Devi?" Mridula asked looking at Lakshmana who broke out into a huge smile.
" If you said anything else I would have picked a fight with you Yadavakumari!" Lakshmana frowned and furrowed her eyebrows pointing her finger at Mridula before breaking the facade and laughing.
" What is this Yadavakumari Jiji!" Mridula whined earning a laugh from her new found sister.
" Well that's what father addressed you as when I asked to meet you!" Lakshmana explained and it made a bit more sense.
Duryodhana must have sent Lakshmana to spy on me! Was Mridula's intial thought, but upon closer inspection of the girl in front of her it was evident that the girl was too naive for her own good.
But was it a facade? Mridula thought again. Even if it was Mridula didn't want to believe it! It was the first time she was making a friend outside of her kingdom and family. They say with optimism lies great peace and that's what Mridula chose to belive.
" Well I am more than a Yadvakumari!" Mridula lightheartedly argued.
" Okay what does everyone at home call you?" Lakshmana inquired.
" Well many things actually!I am my  Jyeshta Pradyumna' Mridu. My lovely Bhrata's Nishatha and Ulmuka's Ladli. Bhrata Bhanu's Avni. Sasi Jiji's Ridhu and Bhrata Samba's Bandhariya."
" Bandhariya?" Lakshmana asked laughing.
" Oh yes! Bhrata Samba loves to tease me all the time! At the same time he spoils me like everyone else." Mridula explained walking along with Lakshmana.
" Mhm! How about Mriddi?" Lakshmana suggested which brought a smile to Mridula's face.

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