Chapter 4

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"Was that really necessary to do?" I whined. Hanji made me Help out Eren Jaeger in my science class. He's a nice kid, it's just I'm not the best with talking to new people.

"Now, now. (Y/n). It's gonna be alright." Hanji reassured. I rolled my eyes. "Knowing you, you were probably planning this for a while." I grumbled. She just giggled creepily at my response.

"Planning what?" I heard a familiar voice call. It was Levi. "Thank god you're here. Hanji just set me up to help out a student Named Eren Jaeger." I whined. Levi looked at Hanji with his cold look. "Tch. Of course she did." He said. "That brat. Can't you do your own job Hanji?" Levi spoke up again. "Nope. Plus, this is a good way for (Y/n) to make friends her age." Hanji chirped. I groaned. Levi just pat my head. "Don't worry about it brat." He said. I swatted his hand away after he called me brat.

The next day of school arrived and I was still a little nervous about the tutoring secession I had to have with Eren. Then my phone dinged.

Good morning (Y/n)! Do you want to walk to school together? It's okay if you don't want to. Have a good morning though!

I mentally panicked. Eren wants to walk with me? Actually, maybe it's a good idea. I can get to know him a little bit and try and get more comfortable around him.

Good morning Eren! I would love to walk with you. Where do you want to meet?

Great! I can meet you at your house if you want? Just send me your address

Sure! It's XXXXXXX.

Okay thanks! I'll be there in an hour since it's only 6am. Make sure you're ready!

I liked his text and remembered I had to tell Hanji. "Hanji! I'm going to walk to school with Eren!" I yelled. I heard her squeal.

"Have fun with Jaeger!" She yelled back. She left the house. She always leaves early for school. Told me it's because she wanted to go though her list of experiments that she was going to try with the class and it takes her forever to choose. I can see why, the list fills her whole entire notebook.

An hour passed and I was finally ready. My phone dinged.

Hey! I'm outside.

Okay I'm coming.

I made sure to have my keys and everything else before leaving. I had a bad habit of forgetting my keys.

"Hey Eren!" I smiled and ran to him. "Hey (Y/n). You actually don't live far from me at all." He said as we started to walk.

"Really? Where do you live?" I asked. "About 2 blocks down." He responded. My eyes widened. "What? That's convenient!" I laughed. He laughed with me. "I know right? Okay so, it's 7:07. We can stop by that bagel shop and get something to eat." He suggested. "Sure, I didn't really eat." I sighed. He laughed.

Once we got to the bagel shop, we ordered and sat down at a table. "So tell me about yourself (Y/n)." He said suddenly. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Well I guess the basics. Birthday, favorite color, stuff you like, stuff you don't like." He answered.

"Well, my birthday is (Birthday) and my favorite color is (F/c). I like art, music, sleep," He laughed at that. "and I also enjoy video games. Right now, I dread walking. I talked to Hanji about getting my drivers license in my birthday so I can finally get a car." I said.

"When you get a car, we can drive everywhere." He said. "Yeah, unless you give me gas money." I joked. He snorted. "I'm broke." He responded. "Welp, looks like you're going to be walking." I shrugged. "Hey! Whatever happened to helping a friend in need?" He said. I was surprised by the word friend.

"You consider me a friend?" I asked shocked. "Duh! You're really cool even if I've known you for a day. Plus Mikasa spoke a lot about you yesterday, she really likes you." He smiled. I smiled back. "I guess I'll reconsider the gas money." I smirked. "You were serious?!"
After school, Eren and I headed over to my house. We had a small conversation on what exactly he struggled with the most.

After about an hour and a half of studying, we decided to end.

"Hey, you're still new to the neighborhood right?" Eren asked suddenly. "Oh, yeah. I haven't really gotten time to look around." I said shyly. He grinned. "Great! So I can show you around!" He shouted causing me to jump. "Eren, it's okay you don't have to." I said trying to be polite. "Nonsense, I want to. Come on!" He said dragging me by my hand outside.

To be fair, I was having a great time with Eren. He showed me some parks that him, Mikasa, and Armin use to hang out in when they were younger, some of his favorite food spots, where his middle and elementary school was, and finally, the best part.

"There's an retro arcade here?!" I shouted in shock staring at the building in front of me. "Yup! It's my favorite place to be at." Eren said, smirking. I gave him a side glance. "I bet you I can beat you in Dance Revolution." I said, starting to smirk as well.

"You're on!"
Eventually, the sun started to set, and we knew it was time to get home.

"Thanks a lot Eren. I had a great time today!" I said smiling. He blushed a little bit. "Don't mention it. I had fun too. We should hang out often." He said, still blushing. I giggled. "I would like that." I said. He started to beam at me.

"Awww! You two are so cute! Can I get a picture of this!" Hanji came in suddenly yelling. "Hanji! Go away!" I yelled, embarrassed by my sister's outburst. Eren just laughed at the two of us arguing, before waving goodbye.

Something tells me we were going to have a great friendship.
In the next chapter, I'm going to do a timeskip to their last year of highschool. They are currently freshman. Have a great day everyone!

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