Chapter 3

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Back when I was 5 years old, I had visited Hanji. It was around christmas time, and my parents went on a business trip. Hanji was only 18 at the time and just moved out. She was invited to have dinner with Levi's family, so she took me with her. "Is levi a nice person?" I had asked her at the time. She made a weird face then smiled at me. "You'll get use to him." She said sweetly making me confused about how Levi was. "Are there going to be any kids my age?" I asked being concerned I was going to be bored. "Yes! I believe his little cousin is going to be there." She told me. I smiled brightly at the thought of making a new friend.

Arriving at the Ackerman household, a short man opened the door. He looked around Hanji's age, miserable, and tired already. "Four eyes, you're here. Is this your little sister?"  He said then asked while nodding over to me. "Levi! And yes this is (Y/n). (Y/n) say hi to Levi." Hanji said smiling down at me. "Hi..." I said awkwardly. "Tch. Don't be scared brat, I won't bite." He told me as if it was suppose to make me feel any better. "Hey! Don't talk to her like that." Hanji said while fake pouting. I started to ignore their chatter because I saw a girl around my age peeking her head through the crack of the door. Levi seemed to notice and motioned me to go inside.

I walked around looking for the girl. Eventually I saw her standing next to her mom and dad. She turned around and looked at me. I smiled and waved. She shyly waved back and walked up to me. "Hi! Are you Levi's little cousin Hanji was telling me about?" I asked her. She nodded. "Well I'm (Y/n) and I'm 5 years old. What's your name?" I said enthusiastically. "I'm Mikasa, I'm also 5." She said in a small voice. "We should be friends! Come on let's play!" I shouted while taking her hand and dragging her away. I heard her parents giggle at my behavior and briefly saw Mikasa smiling.

After that, we became really close. We hung out the whole time I stayed with Hanji. Eventually came the time I had to go back home. "I promise when I come back I will come over again!" I shouted to her. "I'll miss you (Y/n)!" She said while trying not to cry. "Me too Mikasa! I'll see you soon! I promise!" I said. And just like that, I left. I haven't seen her since.

"Well that's about everything then." Mikasa said as she finished showing me around the school. "Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Do you mind if I just stick with you since you're the only one I know?" I asked shyly. I haven't seen her in forever so it felt a little weird. "Of course I don't mind. I can introduce you to my friends." She told me in her quiet voice smiling slightly. I gave a small smile back. "That would be great. We have so much to catch up on." I exclaimed while dragging her towards my locker. She just let me, as she was use to this from when we first met.

"Mikasa! Over here!" I heard someone yell towards us. Mikasa motioned for me to follow her as we walked over to the lunch table. "I haven't seen you all day. What were you up to?" A blonde boy with beautiful blue eyes asked Mikasa. "I was showing an old friend around the school. She's new here." Mikasa simply answered pointing over to me. Everyone at the table looked over to me. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "Hi. I'm (Y/n) Zoë. Nice to meet you all." I introduced with a low voice. "Zoë? As in Hanji? Oh my gosh! You must be her little sister she wouldn't shut up about! I'm Sasha Blouse. It's so nice to finally meet you!" A girl with golden eyes and brown hair up in a ponytail exclaimed while running up to me and grabbing my hands. I laughed slightly at her enthusiasm. "Sasha, relax. You're going to overwhelm the poor girl. Nice to meet you by the way. I'm Connie Springer." A shorter boy with a buzz cut introduced. I waved at him. "I'm Jean Kirstein. This is my friend Marco Bott." A boy who looked kinda like a horse said. I waved at them as well. "Hi! I'm Historia Reiss. This is Ymir, Reiner Braun, and Bertholt Huber." A short girl with blonde hair and blue eyes introduced. Finally the blonde boy spoke. "Hi. I'm Armin Alert." He said I smiled at him. "Wow there's a lot of you guys. It's nice to meet you all." I smiled at all of them. Then I saw one last person. He looked up at me. He had brown hair and amazing turquoise eyes that I got lost in. After a minute he smiled. "Hi. I'm Eren Jaeger. Nice to meet you (Y/n)." He said. I smiled back at him. "Nice to meet you too." I said. "Well since you're friends with Mikasa, you can call of us by our first names, it's fine!" Historia beamed. "Cool. You guys can call me (Y/n) too. It's fine by me." I explained. We all sat down and talked for the remainder of our lunch break.

After school was over, I managed to get everyone's number. I smiled down at my phone looking at my new contacts with my new friend's names. "Hey girlie! How was your first day?" I heard Hanji ask behind me. "It was really good. I met mikasa's friend group. They're really cool people." I said while grabbing a chair and sitting down. "Good, I'm glad! Anyways, I was thinking for dinner-" she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She yelled. When the door opened I saw Eren walk in. "Well hello there Jaeger! What do you need?" Hanji asked in her usual enthusiastic tone. "I just wanted to ask how my progress is going in this class." Eren answered. Hanji's face fell a little. "Well, it's getting a little better but I think you need some help." She answered honestly. Eren just nodded. Suddenly her face brightened up. "I know who can help you! (Y/n)! Can you help out Eren in Science?" Hanji asked me. "What? I'm new I don't even know what we're learning." I answered. Hanji rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. You're my sister. You know everything since I forced it into your big brain." She practically yelled making Eren and I wince. "Alright. I'll help him. When are you available?" I asked looking up to his Turquoise eyes again. "Oh, I'm free whenever, you have my number. Text me when a good time is for you." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Will do. Bye Eren, get home safe." I waved. He walked towards the door. "Bye, you too!" He smiled and waved at the both of us.

Hanji looked at me and smirked. "What?" I asked her. "Got his number Aye?" She said while wiggling her eyebrows. "Seriously? I got all of their numbers! Stop being weird." I tried to act angry but was holding back laughing from her stupidness. "Mhm. Whatever sis! Let's go home now, I'm exhausted." Hanji said while grabbing her things. I followed her and we left the classroom.

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