Chapter 5

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~3 years later~

"(Y/n)! Eren is here for you!" Hanji shouted from downstairs. It is out first day of senior year and honestly I'm excited.

Over the past 3 years, Eren and I grew extremely close. Mikasa and I gotten closer too, same with Armin.

"Tell him to come to my room!" I shouted back to Hanji. A minute later Eren walked through the door.

"Typical (Y/n). Still not ready on time." Eren said, chuckling. "Oh shut up. I woke up a little late." I said, playfully glaring at him. He just walked over to my bed and sat down, watching me do a little make up.

"Ok seriously, do you have to do your make up?" He asked, rolling his eyes. I looked at him through the mirror. "Yes, in fact I do. It's not even a lot Eren. I'm just putting on some foundation and mascara." I said sighing. Eren groaned. "But why?" He asked again. I threw a stuffed animal I had on my dresser at him. "Shut up."

Once Eren and I arrived at school, Mikasa and Armin came up to us. "Morning guys." Mikasa said. "Hey Mikasa." I smiled at her. "Hey guys! Did you get your Schedules yet?" Armin asked. "Yeah, I got it in the mail a few days ago. It's pretty dumb." Eren said. "Let me see it." I said. He took it out, handing it to me. Mikasa, Armin, and I all looked at it.

"You know, you're usually dramatic, but your schedule is kinda dumb." Mikasa said. I laughed at her choice of words. "They gave you all these free periods..." I questioned the sanity of Erwin after looking at this. "I'm convinced there's something wrong with it. Go to Principal Smith." Armin encouraged. Eren sighed. "Fine. (Y/n) come with me?" He pleaded. "Alright, but make it quick. I have Levi first." I said.

In Erwin's office, he looked at Eren's Schedule. "Hmm, yes. Your schedule is indeed, messed up." He said. Eren and I exchanged glances. "Let me look up the right schedule for you." He said and went onto his computer. "You're lucky we made it here early. Levi is going to kill me." I said to Eren, thinking about arriving to Levi's class late. I might have known him since I was a kid, but he doesn't cut me any slack. He's even tougher on me.

"Well I'm sorry! Once this is over, we can run to his class." He said to me. "Here, this is the right schedule. Have a good day kids." Erwin said to us, smiling. We looked at the new schedule. My eyes widened.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" I asked looking at Erwin. He slightly turned away to hide his smile. "I don't know what you're talking about (Y/n)." He said, trying not to chuckle. Erwin was aware of the crush I had on Eren. He gave him the exact same schedule as me. "Mhm, sure. Eren, let's get to Levi's class before he kills us." I said dragging him out of the office.
"I'm telling you, he did it on purpose!" I complained to Mikasa. She listened to me while eating her lunch. "At least you have someone you're close with in your classes. I know that some kids got separated from their friends, they looked so depressed. It was funny, actually." Mikasa said with the same bored look. I stopped pacing and stared at her. She looked up at me. "What?" She asked. I then smiled. "You never cease to amaze me, Mikasa." I laughed. She smiled slightly.

"At least we all have college planning together last." I said to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. "Yeah! We can help each other out for college planning." Armin said, smiling sweetly. "Do you guys know what university you want to attend?" Eren asked us. "Honestly, I was planning to go to Rose University. How about you guys?" I said, looking at them. "Same." They all said at the same time. I gave them a blank look. "Well, that was easy." I chuckled. Eren then wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Great! Now we can all hang out, go to parties, drive around-"

"Eren, it's still University. You have to do your work as well." Mikasa interrupted. Eren glared at her. "You're no fun." He pouted. I pat his hand. "She's right though. If you mess around too much, you'll end up getting kicked out." I said to him. He blushed slightly at the hand contact. "Whatever." He mumbled. Armin and Mikasa smirked at each other. I rose an eyebrow in suspicion. "What are you two smirking at?" I asked, trying not to smile. "Hm? Oh nothing!" Armin said quickly running away. Mikasa stood there for a moment before running after him.

"Eren, let's get to this class." I said taking his hand and dragging him towards the classroom. He gasped. I turned around and saw his face turn completely red. I rose an eyebrow. "Eren, you're blushing?" I asked. He panicked. "What? No! You're blushing!" He said quickly. My eyes widened. "Shut up! You're blushing too." I said quickly, letting go of his hand and slapping my hands on my face. He did the same. "Don't copy me!" We yelled at each other.

"Oi. Stop flirting and get to class you two." I heard Levi say from down the hall. Eren and I looked at each other before running to class before Levi gave us detention.
"(Y/n)!" Eren whined. I rolled my eyes. "What cry baby?" I asked looking at him. "Let's drive somewhere after school." He said to me. I got my car finally in my Junior year of high school. I usually drive Eren and I to school, but when Mikasa, Armin, Eren and I hang out on weekends or after school, it's usually fun to drive wherever.

"Sure. I'm inviting Mikasa and Armin too." I told him. He nodded smiling. "Do you have any idea where you want to go?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before gasping. "Let's go to that shopping district an hour away. They have that cool video game store." He said. I smiled at his excited demeanor. "Okay, sure. I just gotta tell Hanji, so I'll head to her classroom and let her know. Just meet me by the entrance with Mikasa and Armin." I said waving to him as I left the classroom. School was done for the day. 

"Oh, that's fine. Just be careful on the road. Please." Hanji said to me. I nodded softly. "Hanji, I am always careful." I said, laughing a little. Hanji bursted out laughing, causing me to jump. "You? Careful? Your road rage is horrible." She shouted, still laughing. I glared at her. "Shut up. Those people don't know how to drive." I grumbled, recalling how someone almost hit my car once because he switched lanes without signaling.

"Oi, four eyes. Shut up. I can hear you from the second floor." Levi said, appearing out of nowhere. "Hi Levi." I said smiling at him. "Tch. Hi brat." He said giving me his usual bored look. "Well, I'm off now. I'll see you later Hanji. Levi, I'll see you tomorrow" I said smiling to the both of them. "Brat, wait." He said. I stopped and turned around.

"I need you to drive me to work from now on."
Uh oh. (Y/n) is gonna have a new morning routine, with Levi and Eren. How will that go? Stay tuned. Have a great day everyone :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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