Chapter 2

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I was currently getting a tour from Levi- I mean Mr.Ackerman. "Honestly, I think I'm going to have an issue calling you "Mr.Ackerman." I said truthfully to Levi. "Tch, well you better get use to it." He simply said. I shrugged and kept on following him. He showed me the basic areas I would need to know like the lunchroom, his office, Hanji's office, and the floor that I would mostly be on because of the grade I was in. "Come. We need to get your uniform." Levi said and motioned me to follow him to the main office.

When we got there he told me to wait at the front. I nodded and stood there. I looked around the office. There were some people working there. One lady with red hair and amber eyes that was working at the computer looked up at me. "Hi, are you (Y/n) Zoë, Hanji's little sister?" She asked while getting up and walking towards me. I nodded. "Yup that's me." I said. The lady smiled. "Wow! You two really look alike! My name is Ms.Ral. Please let me know if you need anything. I work at that desk over there." She told me pointing to the desk she just left. I smiled at her kindness. "Thank you Ms.Ral." I said. She smiled and said no problem, walking back to her desk. I noticed some other people working but I chose not to pay attention. "Hey Brat. Come here." I heard Levi call. I walked to the room he was in.

In the room, there were boxes filled with extra uniforms for the students. "Tell me the size shirt and skirt you need. Same for sweater." He said bluntly. I told him my sizes and he went and looked for the sizes I needed. I decided to go on my phone in the meantime. "Here." He said handing me the uniform. "Thanks." I replied grabbing it from his grasp. "We'll go back to Erwin and Hanji. She's probably going to make you try it on to see if it fits." Levi informed me. I sighed.

After about 2 hours, we finally left. Now we had to do school shopping. I didn't need much, just some notebooks, pens, pencils, and folders. "Hmm, hey Hanji." I called out to her. "What happened?" She asked me. "Are the kids at the school nice?" I asked looking up at her. She smiled slightly. "Kids will be kids of course. Some of them are nice, others aren't. There's a specific group of kids though, I'm pretty sure you're going to meet them and click with them well." She told me. "Well, how do I know?" I asked her. "I'm going to tell one of them to guide you tomorrow." She said and patted my head. I slightly swatted Away her hand. "Stop that." I mumbled.

The next day rolled by and my alarm went off at 6:00am. I groaned and smacked my hand on my phone hoping I pressed the "Stop" button for the alarm. Somehow I managed to do it. I slowly sat up squinting my eyes and yawning. "Rise and shine little sis- oh my god! You look horrible!" Hanji suddenly bursted into my room shouting and laughing. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. Get out so I can get ready." I grumbled fixing my pillows so I could actually lay back down. "Oh no you don't (Y/n). Get up." Hanji said running to my side and dragging me out of the bed. "Hanji!" I shouted as she just dropped me on the floor. "Go shower and fix your hair! You look like you were electrocuted." Hanji yelled to me as she left my room. I rolled my eyes and got up. Walking to the bathroom, I looked at my face. Hanji wasn't wrong. My hair was sticking up everywhere, I had dark bags under my eyes, and I had a permanent scowl on my face. I was definitely not a morning person. I just shrugged and walked over to turn on the shower.

After a 15 minute shower, I looked back in the Mirror and felt better about my appearance. The bags were gone, my hair was now wet but I was able to actually fix it now, and my scowl was gone. I wrapped a towel on my hair and went to get the uniform. Me, being a girl, I had to wear a white blouse, a green plaid skirt, and a green sweater with the wings of freedom school logo on it. I'd be lying if I said this uniform wasn't cute. I decided to just put green and white hair clips in my hair, did a little bit of touching up to my face, not before brushing my teeth, then I went downstairs. "I'm ready Hanji." I said to her in a soft tone. She smiled. "Eat something, we have time." She told me. I nodded and ate some of the breakfast she made.

I arrived at the school, this time it was full of students. I sighed. "Come with me to the office. I'm going to call the person I want to guide you there." Hanji said and motioned me to follow her. I did as I was told. A few students said good morning to Hanji but then looked at me confused. I heard some of them whispering as well.

"Is that Ms.Zoë's sister?"

"New student?"

"She's kind of hot."

"Her bored face reminds me of Mr. Ackerman."

I rolled my eyes when I heard that.

At the office I sat down and waited patiently for the student to come. "Oh you're here. (Y/n), meet Mikasa Ackerman." Hanji told me. My eyes widened. "Mikasa?" I whispered. She looked at me with wide eyes and softly smiled. "It's been forever (Y/n)."

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