Chapter 5

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Natsu: Hey, are you stupid?! Watch where you're going!

(Damure and Nile were too afraid to talk)

( Benkei gulped)

Kyoya: Hey! What's your problem buddy?! I'm not afraid of you!

( the person took off their helmet)

( Kyoya was in shock, it was a girl)

Natsu: Idiot, you don't scare me either..

Nile: we better go...

Benkei: Kyoya Senpai! Let's run-

Demure: um Kyoya?

Kyoya: No, this bitch has to apologize to Benkei first!

Girl: Bitch? Ha! You think that'll make me want apologize?! I have a name you know?

Kyoya: Like I care!

Natsu: by the way, my name is Tsugami, Natsu.

Kyoya: Tatagami, Kyoya.

( Natsu's eyes widen, then turn back to normal)

Natsu: (mad expression) See you guys later...

( Natsu puts on her helmet on and drives away)

Natsu:( in mind) That was the real Kyoya Tatagami I was talking to?! Wow he's as much scary as I am...

Kyoya: You guys should thank me-

Benkei: Kyoya Senpai!!! Thank youuuuu!!!!! ( cries and hugs Kyoya)

Kyoya: Stop! Let go of me.. ( pushes Benkei away) No problem Benkei... It was nothing...

Damure: Kyoya, that girl was scary as you were...

Nile: yeah I don't know what her problem was....

Kyoya: whatever

( they went to West high, a school full of good students)

( Kyoya, Benkei, Nile, and Damure, walk into the principles office)

Principle: wow, that's innapropiate, especially that short top your wearing.... ( she was looking at Kyoya's crop top)

Nile: we're here to sign an application to attend school here..

Principle: Ok, what're your names?

Nile: Nile, it's very nice to meet you

Damure: Damure, and nice to meet you

Benkei: Hi! I'm Benkei!

Kyoya:.... Kyoya Tatagami....

Principle: Ok! You guys seem like good people, so sign where you were born, where, you live, and your birth date.

Kyoya: ( frown)

( they signed everything on the paper)

Principle: Yes, I'm so happy, you guys will love it here!

Damure: Thank you very much!

Nile: Thanks!

Benkei: Yeah! I'll love it here!

Kyoya: ( mumbles) yeah....

Principle: Wait! Here are you schedules!

( the principle gave them their schedules)

All three: Thank you!

Kyoya: Thanks...

Principle: Bye have a nice new day here!

( they leave the principles office)

( they check their schedules)

Nile: we have all classes together guys!

Benkei: Yay!!

Damure: Wait?! Kyoya you have a few classes with us!!

Nile: what!? ( looks at Kyoya's schedule) actually you only have one class with us!

Benkei: Kyoya Senpai!!!! ( crying) ( Kyoya pushes Benkei's face away while Benkei tried to hug him)

Kyoya: I'll be fine, calm down....

Nile: ok then, Benkei? Damure? We have math first.

Kyoya: I have gym.....

Damure: good luck ( puts hand on shoulder)

Nile: yeah we'll still have fun with or without you..( Puts elbow on Kyoya's shoulder)

Kyoya: thanks ( smirks)

Damure: that's the spirit!

All three: Bye ( wave hands)

Kyoya: ( smirks) bye....

( Kyoya enters the gym)

Gym teacher: hey, are you new here?

Kyoya: Yeah...

Teacher: Well! This is gym class! I hope you have a lot of fun!

Teacher: did you bring gym clothes?

Kyoya: we have to bring gym clothes?

Teacher: hahahaha! I'm kidding here's some gym clothes!

Kyoya: ok...

Teacher: Go change

( Kyoya walks into the gym locker room)

Voice: hey are you the new guy?

Kyoya: Why do you care?

Usui: I'm Usui, the most popular and hottest guy! ( posing and flexing muscles)

Kyoya: Who cares if your popular...

Usui: I care! I'm cool with everyone-

Kyoya: Can you shut up before I punch you in the face?!

Usui: Do it! I'm stronger then you! Hahahahaha!

Kyoya: ( done changing clothes) Whatever idiot...

Usui: I thought that I was the coolest guy...

Guy 1: you are! I love everything about you!

Guy 2: he's a jerk, your the best guy friend to have!!

Usui: Yeah, he's just jealous!! ( pose)

Regular students clap for him: We love you!

Kyoya: ( hears Usui) Whatever loser...

( Kyoya sees Natsu and goes up to her)

Kyoya: Hey! Your that bitch who bumped into Benkei!

Natsu: Like I give a damn... I don't care if I did.

Kyoya: hey what're we doing in gym?

Natsu: Ask someone else who cares....

Kyoya: Just tell me!

Natsu: Fine! We're doing dodgeball, dumbass...

( whistle)

Teacher: I want a nice dodgeball game! No hardcore or cheating! Ok?!

Teacher: I'll pick the teams

Kyoya: is dodgeball fun?

Natsu: yeah, I always win at it, and I'm not on any sides, I'm a loner..

Teacher: Kyoya, and Akane over here! Natsu and Usui over there!

Natsu:( Deadly eyes) Good luck, Tatagami.....

Kyoya: ( evil eyes) Your going down Tsugami...

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