The Fall

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Title: The Fall

Description:Dexter Wilde is a new kind of gifted teen. He discovers that he has the power to control the minds of others and make them do whatever he wishes. Spiralling into a new world of sex, wealth and murder, he begins to lose sight of his old self. When outside forces threaten to put an end to his world-changing plans, Dexter must take drastic action to ensure the security of his visions.

Genre: Non-Teen Fiction

Rating: PG-13


What’s the name and genre to your story?

• The Fall; and the genre is non-teen fiction.

What made you decide to write this story?

• Well, a few things. I have a natural love of writing and never stop wanting to write more. However, it was also an exploration of some things that I was going through at the time, which I feel is reflected in the dark tone of the narrative.

Do you enjoy writing as a hobby or a profession?

• It’s a profession for me; I love it more than I can explain.

Are you working on any other projects?

• Yes, after finishing The Fall, I soon began a new novel called Ace of Broken Hearts.

Is your story completed if not when do you think it will be?

• It is completed.

What would be your advice to beginning authors?

• To understand that it takes a long time to get places, and that the time, suffering and absolute insanity will all be worth it when you get there. That place is different for everyone. For me, it’s to be published, which is the ultimate dream for my future. I’m will stop at nothing to get there. But with writing, it’s more than that, it takes patience as well. All it takes is the right narrative and I think that anyone can be successful.

Let’s get to know you more, what’s your favourite story on Wattpad?

• There are far too many great pieces to pick a single favourite, and I know that there is so much undiscovered stuff as well. But of the things that I have read, I would recommend “Where the Sun Shines” by SamODwyer, or “Insanity” by AidanCaddies. Both contain great stories that push all the right boundaries and tell fantastic tales.

Why is it your favourite?

• I could not help but love the style that “Where the Sun Shines” was written in. The chapters were short, but the detail was so rich and powerful that it was impossible not to be captured by it. And “Insanity” was a compilation containing several short stories that dealt with issues of the mind in terrifying ways. I know that there was thought put into those, because each word seemed chosen to chill the reader just a little more than the last. Overall, though; both are just brilliant novels that I would highly recommend.

Who is a person that inspired you to write your story?

• All of the novels I write have hidden, personal meanings and relations to real people, but The Fall was unique in the sense that I wrote it for myself. I feel that I released a lot of inner darkness and unleashed some powerful, haunting emotions in the process. It was difficult to write, and I know that some readers were a bit shocked by it, but I feel that I needed to write it so that I could deal with those issues and write more positively in the future.

What was your favourite comment ever left on your story, and if you remember who was the user who put it?

• I should know, but in the end I just love hearing what people think of the stories I write. Some people have said that The Fall hit close to home with them, which made me realise that perhaps I was writing more than just my own demons, but other people’s as well. That was good, but I felt bad at the same time. I would never want to make someone feel bad because of the books that I’ve written. At the end of it all, I just like hear that there are people out there enjoying my works.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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