Chapter 10: Revenge

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Zhang Zhiyin fell heavily to the ground.

His head landed first, and the last sight he saw was the grim shapes of the zombies crowding around him. Darkness soon followed and he lost his consciousness.

This was also the last sight Li Shuifeng saw.

He never would have expected that at the moment of his departure, Black raging flame emerged suddenly, encasing the fainted youth in a protecting gesture.

The next second, the flames rocketed into the sky and exploded, turning all the contaminated zombies into ashes in an instant.

In the open land, only the sleeping youth was left.

And the one who was watching him silently.

It seemed like the person just abruptly appeared here. His dark eyes looked at the fallen man with unrecognizable joy or anger.

He walked forward quietly, step by step with apparent caution until he stood in front of the young man. He looked at him with arrogance. After a long time, he stopped, extended his fingertips and tentatively touched the young man’s right cheek, then recoiled as quickly as if he had been shocked by electricity.

He raised the fingertips that touched the young person in front of him and looked at them carefully. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he gently knelt down in front of the youth as if he was afraid he would disturb him, opened his arms, and held the person in his embrace.

Yin Nian looked at the man in his arms quietly, his gaze was so gentle as if he was some kind of supple little animal.

Nobody at this moment would believe that this handsome and peaceful man was the one that made this extremely cruel doomsday catastrophe.

He used the wing of his nose to gently make contact with the young man’s cheeks and then proceeded to try to use his lips to close the distance between him and the young man’s soft lips. In a split second, his sight grew blurry and distant.

Somewhat in a trance, he raised his head and took a small bite on Zhang Zhiyin’s neck.

The two snuggled for a long time, maybe the Boss finally felt satisfied and felt that this was not a good place to stay any longer, so he directly picked up the person in his arms and strolled forward. After three steps, the two disappeared simultaneously out of this land, as if they had never appeared here before.

In the game of <Tomorrow>, it was set up to say that Dr. Y transformed himself after the start of the apocalypse, thereby he possessed a full-scale ability.

Spatial ability was no exception.

Yin Nian came to a verdant valley as he carried Zhang Zhiyin in his arms. Before the end of the world, this was probably a tourist attraction.

If Zhang Zhiyin were awake, he would recognize that this was the famous grinding spot, Valley of the Extinct Dragon, in the game. It was always famous for its numerous variety of monsters, huge density, quick spawn rate, and the rich drop of crystal nucleus. In the game, it was always reserved by all of the major guilds. But in the initial stage of the apocalypse, there were few people here, because the monsters were too powerful for the present ability users, and the deeper they went, the stronger the monster would become.

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