Chapter 47

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That brother who had asked Zhang Zhiyin to help him out with the instance had a domineering name, called Fenghuo Gucheng1. In the game, he had fire-based abilities and for his ID to also be “Fenghuo Gucheng”, it could be seen that he had registered in this game quite early on in order to get this ID, which was a much sought after ID among the male players in this game for some reason.

Zhang Zhiyin was pulled into the party right after he promised him. There were 20 people on the team. In addition to Fenghuo Gucheng, many of them were familiar faces. This party was probably made up of his friends and relatives. 

Within two minutes, Fenghuo Gucheng opened the instance. Zhang Zhiyin didn’t give it much a look and directly clicked yes in the “Whether to transfer into the instance” dialog box. 

After a short while, Zhang Zhiyin appeared in the instance space. 

The original colors of the railing had dulled down. The dilapidated high-speed toll station, the spacious and empty road — even if converted into a 3D game screen — the familiarity of it all still hit him in the face.

Zhang Zhiyin turned to his side and faced Fenghuo Gucheng who was wearing a high-grade fire armor and wielding a mountain axe. He looked like he was dressed in an outfit from a fantasy game of the last century and asked, “Fenghuo, what’s this instance about?”

“Muwo City’s instance, which is also called the forbidden instance.” Fenghuo Gucheng was typing very fast and he quickly replied in the message box. “Do you know what you should do since this is the first time you’re here? Go outside and accept the task, and I will take you to clear the task. They’ll buy medicine and repair their equipment. I will be back later.”

Zhang Zhiyin went out of the instance and accepted the task. He came back five minutes later. 

Fenghuo Gucheng: “Why did you take so long?” 

Zhiyin: “There was a bit of a lag.” 

He was embarrassed to tell him that he was actually carefully reading the story of the task. 

According to the plot, two years ago, due to inexplicable reasons, Baiyin Battlefront Station 7 and Station 3 that were sent to clear out the zombies in Muwo City were completely annihilated all of a sudden. The alliance sent out many teams to investigate this, but couldn’t find any explanation behind it. The work of cleaning up Muwo City had been put on hold, and Muwo City had become a forbidden place since then.

With the update of the new expansion packs, the “lurkers” who developed the mutants gradually surfaced, and the alliance began to suspect that the events that occurred in Muwo City were also related to them, so they asked the players to go to the mysterious Muwo City to figure out what was happening. 

The mainline task of the instance was to “Explore Muwo City” and “Find the Hidden Truth”. In addition, there were many related branch tasks, one of which was “To Pay Homage to the Lost Spirits”, which was released by Master Wang, who was said to have worked in the Station 7’s canteen. 

“The General Manager likes to play cards with the people in the canteen, even if he always loses; Captain Liu Zhu likes to quietly exchange the crystal nuclei for white noodles to eat; Deputy Manager Qin saved my little grandson’s life… ai, but they are not here anymore. This is a basket of white steamed bread that I want to offer to them. Can you help me pay homage to them?” 

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