Chapter 23: Mind Disruption

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These twenty ability users assigned to him by the leader were not evenly matched in terms of their strength, but they were particularly disciplined. They did not goof around and try to evade work by saying they were tired. Otherwise, Zhang Zhiyin’s shallow bluffing might not necessarily be able to control them.

After the battle, the assistant group members came out to clean up the battlefield. After sorting and counting the spoils of war, they were taken back by the space ability user, Ah Kong, to be redistributed when they go back.

When Zhang Zhiyin first came to Yulin Base, he had already made out the level of the monsters around the base. Generally speaking, with his Level 4 ability, the monsters were not a problem for him to deal with. So he felt that this was a suitable timing for him to hide his strength. In addition, the Redemption suit would be damaged if it was worn for a long time, and the cost of repairing was also very high. Earlier, he took off his Divine suit and replaced it with an ordinary suit suitable for Level 4 to 5 ice ability users. On the outside, he was still wearing a set of ordinary fashion items from the Item Store. It was the cheapest and simplest kind of white shirt and jeans that could be worn forever for 10 yuan.

After this battle, the people in the team gained more reverence for Zhang Zhiyin. Originally, it was just because of his outstanding and prominent ability. Later, his precise judgment and command of the situation made them even more confident of his abilities.

As the saying went, distance birthed beauty but that was all to it. If Dajia were here, he could surely see through the pretense: “This kid is just acting.”

The next two boss battles could be considered smooth. One of them broke his leg while another one broke his arms facing the wood mutant BOSS. In the battle against poison mutant BOSS, two members were poisoned.

By this time they reached the third floor, there was only the fourth-floor attic left untouched.

Cold wind blew down from above, making them feel cold. The intuition and six senses of the ability users were much stronger than those of ordinary people. At this time, the sense of danger and discomfort made them hold their weapons tighter. But no one moved and they all looked at Zhang Zhiyin.

Zhang Zhiyin looked at the dark entrance of the attic and frowned. After considering the situation, he ordered, “We’ll stop here today. Go back to rest and come back tomorrow.” He knew that the psychic zombie was upstairs, but they had already fought three small BOSSES. The team members were physically and mentally exhausted. It would be unwise to challenge the big BOSS.

When the team heard his words, they formed up and placed the injured and the members of the assistant group in the middle to protect them. Zhang Zhiyin and Dadao who had the strongest strength now followed at the back instead of leading the way.

Zhang Zhiyin who was standing at the end felt a lingering sense of getting peeped. It was like a thorn stabbing at his back and it made him feel chilly. When he looked back, it was still the same dark entrance of the attic.

“Captain.” Walking on his right was Dadao and his face was uncomfortable. “I feel flustered as if something is looking at me constantly.”

“It’s all right. I felt it too.” Zhang Zhiyin reassured him, “It should be the ability of the psychic zombie. Go back and be cautious. Don’t try to act alone in case of accidents happening.”

In the game, everyone would just fight when they come across a BOSS, and neither would they heard about any negative effects of retreating without finishing off the BOSS. But after all, this was the real-world—monsters that have been beaten would not refresh, the same situation would not happen again, and the dead would not come back.

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