The Potters

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Year - 2021

Potter's residence


"Dad stop shouting for God's sake, I'm trying to watch TV!"yelled a grumpy James.

Now poor Harry had no choice but to leave the bed a search for his beautiful husband.

Once he reached the kitchen, he found Draco trying to make some Coffee. Well, let's just say Draco was totally obsessed with the hot-bitter-muggle drink.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco from behind, so his chest was now touching the blond man's back.

"Morning hubby!" Whispered Draco, kissing Harry's cheek.

"Good Morning Bub!" said Harry, nuzzling more into Draco's neck.

You see, Harry and Draco were a very lovey-dovey couple. Well, Draco won't accept it, but they me!


A loud crashing sound was heard and Draco and his husband immediately ran towards the living room.

"James Pottah! how many times have I told you not to use your wand on muggle electronic-thingys. And what about underage wizardry rules!?" said an angry Draco.

"I'm sorry Papa. I don't know it just exploded, it won't happen again I promise! And I won't steal Lily's chocolate frogs and help Al with his Potions essay. Please Papa...have mercy on your little baby!" Said James in an overly dramatic manner.

Draco chuckled. He knew his oldest son was such a drama queen.

"Little baby? Really James you're almost 13."said Harry with a goofy grin on his face.

"Bub I'll take care of this mess, you go wake up the kids" said Harry, giving a sweet kiss on Draco's lips.

"Ewww" yelled james as he ran away from the crime scene, super dramatically.

"Come back here, little trouble maker!" Harry ran towards him as as Draco went upstairs to wake up his beautiful kids.

"Wake up darling, rise and shine!" Said Draco softly. As he ran his fingers in his son's hair and laid beside Albus Severus Potter, in his bed.

"Goo morning mum" said a very sleepy Albus. As he snuggled closer to the blond man.

All of Draco's kids called him 'Mommy' when they were young. He didn't mind, infact he felt giddy and his motherly instincts never let him correct them.

Although as James grew up, he understood that "Mommy" is used for females and he himself started calling Draco 'Papa'.

Albus also followed his elder brother and hence calls Draco 'Papa'

But at times when Draco and Al were alone or when Al is sad or stressed he couldn't help but call Draco Mom or Mommy.

After all the one who gives birth is the mother right? And yeah, Draco gave birth to them.

Suddenly two pair of foot steps were heard as 2 little kids, Lily Narcissa Potter and Scorpius Lucius Potter, walked inside their elder brothers room.

Draco chuckled as he understood the twins must have woken up due to the explosion James caused a few moments ago.

"Wanna sweep wif momma" said Scorpius as he rubbed his eyes.

"Come here my babies, slowly don't disturb your brother." Whispered Draco.

Scorpius quietly got on the bed and laid down on Al's right side.

"Mama cuddle" said lily and made space for herself between Draco and Al. She hugged Draco and soon the four people were sound asleep.

After almost half an hour, Harry and James came by to wale them up.

"Wake up Papa, aunt Hermione and uncle Ron are waiting for you in the drawing room" said James. He knew this will work.

"Merlin how long was I asleep? Why didn't you wake me up scarhead?" Draco woke up Frantically, only to realise his son was just joking around.

All the kids woke up with a smile on their faces. Draco then turned into a tickle monster and harry joined him in his quest.

This is the story of almost every morning. Harry Potter now has a Family. A very happy family at that. A loving husband, whom harry his madly in love with, and 4 amazing kids.

Also, did I mention today is Christmas Eve and they are all celebrating it at the Burrow. Today's going to be fun, harry thought. Little did he know....

I hope you all liked the first chapter, it was just a small introduction.

I'm so excited for the upcoming chapters!

Thank you for reading :D

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