I'll Kiss You

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It was the next day after the future kids had told everyone how their future looked like. Anyway they were going to be obliviated, so why not?

Harry woke up to two little kids curled up on either of his sides. He smiled when he saw Ron and Hermione cuddling which made him miss a certain blond.

Hermione had told him that she had walked up on Remus and Sirius kissing yesterday. And both, Harry's godfather and Ex professor were blushing red throughout the dinner. It was just so cute.

Harry smiled bright as he remembered yesterday's events with Draco. How Draco held him so close, cried on his shoulder, told him he was sorry for his behavior. And Harry, he forgave the blond, comforted him and made him smile.

Flashback (last night)

"Harry do you trust me?" - Draco.

"I do Draco, tell me what happened? Don't cry please!" - Harry.

The two boys stood in an empty corridor, wrapped up in each other's arms, the blond boy's face was buried in Harry's neck as Harry rubbed Draco's back comfortingly.

"It was Blaise, he forced me to be in a relationship with him. He said he'll tell everything to the dark lord, about us being married in the future, having children and these newly found feelings. He said the Dark lord will easily use me to harm you." - Draco.

"I figured it had something to do with Zabini. I'll knock some sense into him tomorrow morning!" - Harry.

"Harry no! You're doing no such thing! We'll all be obliviated but Dark Lord will remember everything...he will use me to kill you Harry." - Draco.

"He wants to kill me anyway! I'm not scared of him!" - Harry.

"Don't you freaking get it! You're my husband goddamnit! And I have four absolutely adorable babies, I can't risk it all okay?" - Draco.

"Harry I always thought I'll end up marrying some pureblood woman, that I'll never be allowed to love a man that my heart desires. And here we are, I can't risk the love of a lifetime just for a few days of happiness." - Draco.

"Okay Draco, I'll do whatever you want me to. We can act like we hate each other all over again, but don't ignore the kids please. Those babies miss you" - Harry.

"Thank you Harry. I'll come see the kids as much as I can, but promise me that we'll act like enemies in front of the Slytherins" - Draco.

"Key word, 'in front of Slytherins'. But when we are alone, I need my husband with me. Deal?" - Harry.

"Whatever Potter, you've turned me sappy." - Draco.

End of the Flashback.

"DADDDD" yelled James for the third time.

"Why are you shouting James?" Harry said getting out of his bed.

"Are you going to attend the classes today? It's boring to sit in here all day! Teddy is going out with his parents today. Can I please go somewhere too?"James said, pouting dramatically.

"Dad please don't allow him! He will go and enjoy leaving me to take care of Lil and Scorp, all alone." Said Albus, trying to sound equally dramatic.

"Come on, I've been an absolute good boy Dad! No points to me for not pranking anyone for 2 days straight? You've got to be kidding me!" Said James, receiving a bitter chuckle from Al.

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