Author's Note👉👈

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Hello my lovely readers, first of all, thank you so so much to each and everyone of you to give this story a chance and read it. I'm thankful for everyone who voted for the story and commented their views❤️

It's an absolute delight to read all your comments. Your comments are very beautiful and precious. Also, I am in love with all those funny and witty comments you all leave. I may not be able to reply to you all but I promise I read them all❤️

Your comments make me smile and please just know that I'm grateful❤️

Also, everyone who's been adding this story to their reading lists, THANK YOU my friends, you are all very amazing people❤️

Guys this story is not abandoned, I've been a bit busy with my career and stuff and hence haven't updated it for a long time now, and I do apologize to all of you for leaving this story hanging for so long, I'm sincerely very sorry❤️


I want some suggestions from you all my dear readers,

Question 1)

I would like to include Marauders + Lily + Regulus in this story. I just love them too much! But I haven't thought about how to include them, the plot will most likely include a time turner, as it is the theme of this story.

Hence please tell me will you like them to be included? If yes, do you have any plot suggestions?

Question 2)

Would you guys like to read how Harry and Draco fell in love?

Question 3)

Would you like it if I include a Marriage Law thingy for Drarry? (I mean there aren't any Drarry Marriage Law stories out there.)

Question 4)

You can also tell me any other ideas for taking this story forward. Plot ideas/ prompts/ any of your random thoughts will be greatly appreciated❤️

Question 5)(A personal question)

Guys please suggest me some good jegulus fics😭

That's it for today guys, kindly share your thoughts, they will definitely be of great help for me to continue this story❤️

Thank you so much to each and everyone of you.

You, yes you, you are amazing and beautiful and magical and a super human! Lots of love to you❤️

See you guys soon with an update once we get a nice and spicy and juicy idea to move forward with the story❤️

Bye for now beautiful people!❤️

Le me - 😂😂 *Says bye and nervously waits for your comments, also prays that you guys actually help me and not ignore this A/N*

JAMES! that is a TIME TURNER!Where stories live. Discover now