Pure Chaos!

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To say Harry was shocked is an understatement. With absolutely no expression on his face, he stood still, blinked a few times looking down at the small blond boy, not knowing what to do.

Now the 5th years were even more stunned, what do you expect? The kid just called Harry Potter his 'Dad' for Merlin's sake!

When Harry didn't respond, Scorpius's eyes teared up and his bottom lip quivered.

"Dada angrwy?" Scorpius spoke, still looking up at harry, with his glossy eyes.

Albus ran up to his little brother, held his tiny hands and said "Scorp, he......he isn't Dad." And walked him back towards the other kids.

Snape's eyes widened as if he understood exactly what was going on. He immediately said "The class is dismissed, go back to your common rooms everyone. I don't want any of you roaming around the castle looking for trouble."

Then, Snape immediately looked at Ron and Hermione who were standing at the back of the room in order to stay away from drama for once in their school life.

"Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger kindly stay back. And Mr Longbottom, please request Professor Dumbledore and Minerva to join me here in the dungeons."Snape said, making Ron and Hermione freeze as they were about to leave.

As the kids were busy blaming each other for the mishap, Ron and Hermione walked up to Harry and stood beside him.

"I'll come back with the veritaserum, till then Mr Potter, I hope you'll not let our guests wander around the castle."with that said, Snape left the classroom leaving the golden trio alone with the guests.

Not even a minute later,three red headed  people entered the classroom, "Hey guys Neville told me something happened? What did you all do now? Asked Ginny.

"It should be important-"

"Yeah we about to prank Umbridge-"

"Though we did it to Filch this morn-"

"I think she might be aware now-"

"There's no harm in trying right?"

The Weasley twins sure lightened their mood a bit.

Then they saw a red headed girl was holding back a little boy around 5 years of age, who was squirming him her hold, trying to walk up to the golden trio.

On the other hand, all the slightly grown up kids were looking at the twins.... lovingly?

The door again opened to reveal none other than the Slytherin Prince himself, along with Pansy Parkinsan and Blaise Zabini.

"Heard you're up to something again Potter?" Malfoy said, with an evil smirk adorning his face, and he entered the classroom with his friends on the either sides.

Before Harry could come up with a reply,

"Let's go Draco, you promised the both of us will have lunch together at your dorm room"said Pansy in her extremely high pitched-seductive voice, getting everyone's attention.

Then, a kid who looked like a blond little Harry Potter came up to Draco and said,

"Mommy! Jimmie caushed trowble again and now Dada ishn't twalking to me"

"Who is this kid looking exactly like Harry but calling Malfoy 'Mommy'? said a voice, that everyone recognized belongs to Sirius Black.

Everyone including the kids looked at the direction the voice came from and found Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Remus and Sirius who were now walking inside the classroom.

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