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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧( FOREVER )THREE━━ Un(ex)pected visitorˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

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THREE━━ Un(ex)pected visitor
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

( PRESENT DAY OCTOBER 18th, 2023 )

     WHEN IT CAME TO Briar Langford, it was like Michelle Jones would turn into the puppy dog eyes emoji. Ever since middle school, a soft spot in her cold heart was occupied by her best friend. Forget her little knowledge on how to comfort someone, or her lack of enthusiasm towards—well.. everything, whenever she noticed that Briar was upset, Michelle would immediately spring into action.

Sort of ironically, the first time Michelle had been there for Briar was when she met Peter. Michelle's whole rough, reserved exterior would crumble and her soft, sympathetic, comforting side would shine. Although she secretly found relationships—and simply love in general—to be tragic and messy, Michelle was the one who'd motivated Briar to ask Peter out after decathlon practice towards the end of their freshman year. She was honestly just tired of hearing them both mope and whine about how the other didn't feel the same way.

She only let a few people see this side of her, and Briar was more than honored to be one of them. However, Michelle enjoyed having people fear her, she liked being mysterious, so she forced Briar to promise that she'd never tell anyone about her "soft side".

After five and a half solid years of friendship and through a lengthy process of trial and error, Briar helped Michelle get the hang of being more emotionally available. At least towards her and their small circle of friends. Today, Michelle's mission was to convince Briar to confront Peter. She figured it wouldn't be too hard, considering how desperate Briar seemed to get some answers from Peter yesterday, but boy was she wrong.

Michelle couldn't blame her best friend for feeling discouraged. Peter was an adult now, he had a whole other life without her. Michelle, being the level minded realist that she is, knew that Briar was just setting herself up for heartbreak. Part of her felt like she shouldn't be encouraging Briar to reunite with him, but deep down she knew that Briar couldn't just avoid the elephant in the room and carry on with her life—as if Peter Parker never existed.

The girls awoke at approximately twelve in the afternoon to the harsh roaring of the vehicles outside. The people driving the cars honked their horns frustratedly at the large moving truck that was still occupying a good amount of the street.

The sound of a cereal box shaking from a few feet away in the connected kitchen also caught Briar's attention, tempting her to get up from the couch and approach her father while Michelle tried to fall back asleep. Briar threw herself towards James once she had entered the kitchen, wrapping her long arms around him for a hug. James had been standing against the stove while wearing his extremely cheesy R2-D2 cooking apron—that was obviously given to him by Peter for his fortieth birthday. It was a strange surprise that after nearly six years, he still owned it and wore it, even when he wasn't cooking.

FOREVER, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now