06. most exquisite form of self destruction

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧( FOREVER )SIX━━ Love: The Most Exquisite Form Of Self Destruction™️ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

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SIX━━ Love: The Most Exquisite
Form Of Self Destruction™️
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

( 6 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 14th, 2017 )

BRIAR LANGFORD HAD REACHED THE END OF HER TETHER. It'd been a long time coming, and even Briar felt like it was definitely overdue considering the tiny thread that was her sanity snapped on Valentines Day of all days. This was the fifth time Peter stood her up and bailed on their date. She wasn't quite sure why she still had hope that he would pull through and show up, all she knew was that she felt humiliated, played, and hurt.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" a waitress appeared in front of Briar, forcing her to pull her gaze from the window. "My supervisor noticed you've been sitting here for an awful amount of time without ordering anything, and I'm gonna have to ask you to leave if you don't order anything soon."

Briar grimaced and nodded understandingly. "Oh, it's okay. I was just about to leave anyway." Briar shrugged and thanked the waitress, slipping the woman a generous tip for her welcoming hospitality.

She'd sat in that booth waiting for Peter to show up for almost 2 hours. She hadn't even received a text from him letting her know he'd be late—or just.. not show up. The excuses were all the same. Patrol, lost track of time, working on a project with Gwen, more Spider-Man duties. To be honest, Briar wasn't quite sure how to feel anymore. Was this Peter's way of letting her know he wasn't interested anymore?

As Briar stepped out onto the busy streets of New York City, she maintained a stoic expression and held her head up high to prevent her tears from falling. She wasn't about to cry in public over some boy. All she wanted to do now was go home and bitch about her flakey boyfriend to her friends while excessively stuffing her face with her favorite comfort foods.

The first thing Briar did when she arrived home was slip out of her incredibly cute dress that she'd bought just for the occasion. She swiftly dressed into a pair of sleep shorts and an oversized shirt—which she made sure wasn't Peter's before putting on. She didn't even bother getting rid of whatever light makeup she had on her face, feeling too mentally exhausted and drained to do anything else.

Harry, who had read the short text Briar had sent to the group chat that consisted of only him, Michelle, and Briar, showed up to her house about a half hour later with spicy chips and a decorated cupcake from a bakery uptown. He greeted James—who wasn't too fond of the eccentric boy—and trudged upstairs to Briar's room hesitantly.

With a shy knock, Harry turned the doorknob and poked his head into the room, a pout appearing on his face at the sight of Briar's limp body resting face down on her bed. "Em?" Briar's voice was muffled by her pillow, causing Harry to let out a silent chuckle.

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