02. normal

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧( FOREVER )TWO━━ Normalˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

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TWO━━ Normal
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 恋人┊͙✧˖*°࿐(🚙🚦🏘)

( PRESENT DAY OCTOBER 17th, 2023 )

HE'S ENGAGED. May's words were looped like a nefarious mantra in Briar's mind. Forget everything she'd told herself about masking her emotions and remaining calm, because there was nothing she could do to stop the waterworks.

On most occasions, Briar was fairly transparent with her feelings. But whenever she attempted to mask her emotions, it was difficult to pull her back out of the shell she'd retreated into. In the case where Briar became overwhelmed with emotion, simple words spoken in her direction could break the dam of hopeless tears. Usually, that was the moment when Peter would decide to step in, but that was before.

Now, Peter had a fiancé. He was in love with someone else.

Without sparing May another glance, Briar nodded shortly and retreated into the car. With blurred vision, she pushed her keys into the keyhole to start the car but made no effort in driving away. A singular tear fell from Briar's eye and cascaded down her cheek while her hands gripped the steering wheel harshly. Her deep breaths and occasional sniffles were the only noise that could be heard from inside the car.

"Fuck." she whispered. More mumbled curses left her lips as fresh tears began to shed to accommodate her misery. Her head slipped down and pressed against the center of the wheel, activating the horn.

Over the blaring noise—that somehow didn't seem to faze Briar in her emotional state—two short knocks were heard. May stood outside the passengers side of the vehicle with one hand cupped over her ear and the other gesturing towards the lock, pointing below the window of the car. Briar unlocked the car for May and watched while she sat inside, fumbling with her ears.

"Honey, are you trying to make the whole neighborhood go deaf?" May spoke loudly as her ears adjusted back to normal. Once again, Briar failed to respond, choosing to send May a sheepishly apologetic look with her eyes.

It was then that May finally got a good look at Briar. Her nose was runny and her face was puffy and wet from her tears that she'd given up on stopping. The look in her slightly swollen eyes were soft and vulnerable, resembling a kicked puppy.

That was when May stepped into action. She quickly moved to pull her in close, holding Briar tightly to her chest as she cried. May ignored the sting in her ribcage from the center console and focused on smoothing down Briar's hair, rocking them back and forth slightly as Briar sniffled and slightly choked on her own spit.

FOREVER, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now