Chapter 20

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"I forgive you two," said Leah.

I sighed in relief.

"Really?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah," confirmed Leah.

Bianca had her head down. She wasn't saying anything.

"Are you okay?" asked Leah.

"I don't know," She sighed.

"I'm not mad at you right now so I don't get why you are upset," said Leah.

"I'm not upset," sighed Bianca.

"Then why are you barely talking?" asked Leah.

"I'm just tired," lied Bianca.

"Okay if you say so," said Leah not convinced.

All of the sudden, I got a text message from Jasmin.

Jasmin: Come home now! 😡

Naomi: Why?

Jasmin: Because I have something to show you.

Naomi: Can't you just show me later?

Jasmin: Stop talking back and just come! 😡😤

"Guys, I got to go," I said.

"Oh, that's fine," said Leah.

"See ya," I said as I walked away.

They both waved bye to me.

As I was walking, I wondered. What was Jasmin going to show me? Whatever it is, it better be important.

I'm surprised Leah actually forgave me.  What I did was an unforgivable thing. I literally killed her adoptive parents.

I arrived at the doorstep of Jamin's house and walked inside.

"Oh hi!" She smiled.

"What do you have to show me?" I asked.

"Get in the car," She said.

I nodded. We both walked inside of the garage to get to her car. She began to drive.

Based on the route she was taking, it looked like she was taking me to the beach. However, it wasn't the way that all the crowds would be. It was where she found me.

I wondered if she is taking me home. I actually don't want to go home now. I never said goodbye to Leah. I wouldn't want to disappear with no trace.

I was right because moments later, we were at that part of the beach. We were the only ones there. The waves were raging and the wind was blowing. The bright sun was out and shining directly on Jamin's car.

We both got out and began to walk near the waves. Jasmin all of the sudden looked really sad. She was frowning and she avoided eye contact with me.

"So, what do you have to show me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," apologized Jasmin.

"Since when do you apologize?" I asked.

I gasped she took out a black handgun and pointed it at my chest.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I was ordered to," sighed Jasmin.

I slowly began to step back.

"This is freaking ridiculous!" I shouted.

"I have to," said Jasmin.

"You're a human. You don't have to listen to her," I said.

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